UFMG::DCC::LLP - Programing Language Laboratory Publications




  1. The article Identifying Thresholds for Object-Oriented Software Metrics, authored by Kecia A. M. Ferreira, Mariza A. S. Bigonha, Roberto S. Bigonha, Luiz Fernando O. Mendes and Heitor C. Almeida, published in 2012 at the Journal of Systems and Software, DOI 10.1016/j.jss.2011.05.044, ISSN 01641212, Vol. 85 Issue 2, pages 244-257, was awarding by the JSS as the Most influential Paper awards from 2012! Posted as JSSoftware on Twitter in the URL "https://twitter.com/JSSoftware/status/1633118513635155970?s=20" in March 7, 2023.

  • Defense of Ph.D. Dissertation Proposal

    1. Mívian Marques Ferreira, Mariza A. S. Bigonha (Advisor), Kecia A. M.Ferreira (Co-Advisor). A Hybrid Approach to Change Impact Analysis in Object-oriented Software Systems. Dissertation project presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining the degree of Doctor in Computer Science on March 3, 2023, 135 pages. Defense of the dissertation project for the Examining Committee: profa. Mariza A. S. Bigonha (DCC-UFMG) (Advisor), profa. Kecia A. M. Ferreira (CEFET-MG) (Co-Advisor), prof. Marcelo de Almeida Maia (UFU), prof. André Cavalcante Hora (DCC-UFMG) and prof. Eduardo Magno Lages Figueiredo (DCC-UFMG). Slides (83). Project approved on March 3, 2023.


    International Conference

    1. SOUSA, Bruno L.; BIGONHA, Mariza A. S.; FERREIRA, Kecia A. M.; FRANCO, Glaura C., A Time Series-Based Dataset of Open-Source Software Evolution. Published In: the Proceedurings of the 19th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR'22), May 23-24, 2022, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Pages 702-706, doi= 10.1145/3524842.3528492. Slides (10).

    National Conference

    1. Mívian M. Ferreira, Diego Santos Gonçalves, Mariza A. S. Bigonha, and Kecia A. M. Ferreira; Characterizing Commits in Open-Source Software. In: SBQS '22: Proceedings of the XXI Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, November 2022. Article No. 7, Pages 1-10, https://doi.org/10.1145/3571473.3571508 Slides (24). 2022.

    Technical Reports

    1. Marco Antônio Silveira Souza Alves, Mariza A. S. Bigonha (POC I Advisor) and Bruno L. Souza (POC I Co-Advisor), Aprimoramento das Funcionalidades de uma Ferramenta para Detecção de Coocorrências entre Padrões de Projeto e Bad Smells, (in Portuguese). Published as Technical Report of the Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), DCC-ICEx-UFMG, 16 pages, February, 2022.

    2. Lucas Gonçalves Antunes Paiva, Mariza A. S. Bigonha (POC Advisor) and Bruno L. Souza (POC Co-Advisor), Linter Bad Smells, (in Portuguese). Published as Technical Report of the Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), DCC-ICEx-UFMG, 22 pages. Linter Bad Smells tool is available in the npm package manager called eslint-pluguin-bad-smells at
      (i) https://github.com/lucas-paiva98/eslint-plugin-bad-smells and
      (ii) https://www.npmjs.com/package/eslint-plugin-bad-smells.
      The package page has documentation on how to install the tool, as well as possible refactorings for each of the code smells that Linter Bad Smells supports. February, 2022.


    Master Thesis

    1. Vanessa Cristiny Rodrigues Vasconcelos, Mariza A. S. Bigonha (Advisor). Detecting Logical Errors in Haskell. Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 83 pages, February 19, 2021. Slides (90), February 19, 2021.

      Cleiton Silva Tavares, Mariza A. S. Bigonha (Advisor) and Eduardo M. L. Figueiredo (Co-Advisor). Analyzing the Effects of Refactorings on Bad Smells. Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 96 pages. Slides (56). March 31, 2021.


    1. Roberto S. Bigonha MODULAR PROGRAMMING: Object Oriented Programming - Java (in Portuguese). Pages 1-271, Belo Horizonte MG. 2021.
    2. Roberto S. Bigonha MODULAR PROGRAMMING: The Language Java (in Portuguese). Pages 1-609, Belo Horizonte MG. 2021.
    3. Roberto S. Bigonha MODULAR PROGRAMMING: Fundamental Data Structures Java (in Portuguese). Pages 1-483, Belo Horizonte MG. 2021.
    4. Roberto S. Bigonha MODULAR DENOTATIONAL SEMANTICS. Pages: 1-232, Belo Horizonte MG. 2021.

    eBook Presentation

    1. Roberto S. Bigonha 40th Update Day in Computer science (40ª Jornada de Atualização em Informática) (JAI 2021) (in Portuguese). Organization: Aline M. S. Andrade (UFBA) and Raul S.Wazlawick (UFSC) (eBook in portuguese), 3 pages, ISBN 978-65-87003-57-3, 2021.

    SBLP 2021

    1. Tribute to prof. Roberto S. Bigonha. Brazilian Symposium of Programming Languages (SBLP) CBSoft (online) 2021.


    1. Roberto S. Bigonha What Will Be the Next Programming Language?. Brazilian Symposium of Programming Languages (SBLP) CBSoft (online) 2021.


    1. Vanessa Vasconcelos, Mariza A. S. Bigonha; HaskellFL: A Tool for Detecting Logical Errors in Haskell. In: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Computer and Systems Engineering, by International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 15(8), pages 479-493. Part of OTHER-ID: ISNI:0000000091950263, 2021.

    International Conference

    1. Mívian M. Ferreira, Bruno L. Sousa, Kecia A. M. Ferreira, and Mariza A. S. Bigonha; The Software Engineering Observatory Portal. In: 18th International Conference on Scientometrics & Informetrics (ISSI2021), July 12-15, 2021, KU Leuven, Belgium, ISBN=9789080328228, ISSN=2175-1935, pages 407-412. Slides (15), 2021.

    2. Mívian M. Ferreira, Mariza A. S. Bigonha, and Kecia A. M. Ferreira; On The Gap Between Software Maintenance Theory and Practitioners' Approaches. In: 8th International Virtual Workshop on Software Engineering Research and Industrial Practice in Conjunction with International Conference on Software Engineering, DOI: 10.1109/ser-ip52554.2021.00015, SERIP/21, IEEE/ACM. Pages 41-48, 2021. Slides (28). 2021.

    3. Vanessa Vasconcelos and Mariza A. S. Bigonha; Detecting Logical Errors in Haskell. In: 23rd International Conference on Testing Software and Systems (ICTSS 2021), Conference Proceedings, New York USA, Part I, pages 85-99. Slides (34), June 3-4, 2021. This article was also published in the IJCSE-JOURNAL with the title HaskellFL: A Tool for Detecting Logical Errors in Haskell, in 2021.

    National Conference

    1. SOUSA, Bruno L.; BIGONHA, Mariza A. S.; FERREIRA, Kecia A. M. and FRANCO, Glaura C., Characterizing the Evolution of Size and Inheritance in Object-Oriented Software. In: SBQS'21, Vitória, ES. © 2018 Association for Computing Machinery. ACM USA, https://doi.org/10.1145/1122445.1122456, 10 pages. Presentation (24 slides, 10:25m), November 08-11, 2021.

    Short Paper

    1. Mívian M. Ferreira, Diego Santos Gonçalves, Mariza A. S. Bigonha, and Kecia A. M. Ferreira; Inside Commits: An Empirical Study on Commits in Open-Source Software. In: 35th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering in XII Brazilian Conference of Software: Theory and Practice (CBSOFT). DOI: 10.1145/3474624.3474629. Pages 1-5, 2021.

    Technical Report

    1. Lucas Gonçalves Antunes Paiva, Mariza A. S. Bigonha (POC I Advisor) and Bruno L. Souza (POC I Co-Advisor), Linter Bad Smells (in Portuguese). Published as Technical Report of the Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), DCC-ICEx-UFMG, 18 pages, July, 2021.


    Defense of Ph.D. Dissertation Proposal

    1. Bruno Luan Sousa, BIGONHA, Mariza A. S. (Advisor), FERREIRA, Kecia A. M.(Co-Advisor) and FRANCO, Glaura C. (Co-Advisor) Modeling and Predicting Evolution of Software Quality Internal Attributes. Dissertation project presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining the degree of Doctor in Computer Science.165 pages. August, 2020. Defense of the dissertation project for the Examining Committee: profa. Mariza A. S. Bigonha (DCC-UFMG) (Advisor), profa. Kecia A. M. Ferreira (CEFET-MG) (Co-Advisor), prof. Glaura C. Franco (Statistics Department UFMG) (Co-Advisor), prof. Alessandro F. Garcia (PUC-Rio), prof. José Carlos Maldonado (ICMC-USP), prof. André C. Hora (DCC-UFMG) and prof. Eduardo M. L. Figueiredo (DCC-UFMG). Slides (79). Project approved on August 28, 2020.

    Master Thesis

    1. Talita Santana Orfanó, Mariza A. S. Bigonha (Advisor) and Kecia A. M. Ferreira (Co-Advisor). Evolução da Distribuição de Conhecimento de Software em Projetos Open Source, (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 129 pages. Slides (72). After defense, August 14, 2020.

    2. Rafael Prates Ferreira Trindade, Mariza A. S. Bigonha (Advisor) and Kecia A. M. Ferreira (Co-Advisor). Identificação e Geração de Oráculos de Bad Smells em Software, (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 103 pages. Slides (34). After defense, August 21, 2020.


    1. Roberto S. Bigonha A Little Bit of Everything That There was on the Way (in portuguese) 94 pages, ISBN: 978-65-00-22440-5, Belo Horizonte MG. 2020.


    1. Roberto S. Bigonha A Little Bit of Everything That There was on the Way (in Portuguese) 94 pages, ISBN: 978-65-00-22440-5, Belo Horizonte MG. 2020.


    1. SOUSA, B. L.; FERREIRA, M. M.; BIGONHA, Mariza A. S.; FERREIRA, K. A. M., Design Patterns in Practice from the Point of View of Developers. Abakós, V.8, pages 20-42, https://doi.org/10.5752/P.2316-9451, 2020.

    International Conference

    1. SILVA, C.; SANTANA, A.; FIGUEIREDO, E. M. L.; Bigonha, Mariza A.S., Revisiting the Bad Smell and Refactoring Relationship: A Systematic Literature Review. In: 23a. Conferencia Iberoamericana en Ingeniería de Software (CibSE), 2020. Proceedings of 23a. Conferencia Iberoamericana en Ingeniería de Software. Curitiba/PA, 2020, 16 al 20/11/2020. V.1. pages 01-14, 2020.

    National Conferences

    1. TRINDADE, R. P. F.; BIGONHA, Mariza A. S.; FERREIRA, K. A. M., Oracles of Bad Smells - a Systematic Literature Review. In: 34th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES 2020), Natal-RN (online). Proceedings of 34th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, CBSOFT/020. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2020. v.1. Pages 62-71. https://doi.org/10.1145/3422392.3422415. Slides (20), October, 2020.

    2. SILVA, Cleiton; BIGONHA, Mariza A. S.; FIGUEIREDO, Eduardo M. L., Quantifying the Effects of Refactorings on Bad Smells. WTDSoft/10th Workshop on Theses and Dissertations - Master Students (CBSOFT). In: Proceedings of 10th Workshop on Theses and Dissertations - Master Students (CBSOFT). New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2020. Volume 1, pages 100-106, 2000.

    3. ORFANÓ, Talita Santana; BIGONHA, Mariza Andrade S.; FERREIRA, K., The Evolving Nature of Developers'Contributions in Open Source Projects. In: 14th Brazilian Symposium on Software Components, Architectures, and Reuse (SBCARS 2020), Natal-RN (online). CBSOFT/020. New York, NY, USA: ACM. Pages 131-140. https://doi.org/10.1145/3425269.3425284. Presentation (13:38m.), October, 2020.

    Short Paper

    1. SILVA, Cleiton; BIGONHA, Mariza A.S.; FIGUEIREDO, Eduardo M. L., Analyzing the Impact of Refactoring on Bad Smells. 34th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES 2020), Natal-RN (online). In: Proceedings of 34th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, CBSOFT/2020. New York, NY, USA: ACM. V.1, pages 97-101. https://doi.org/10.1145/3422392.3422408, 2020.

    LP Lecture

    1. Mariza A. S. Bigonha LP Lecture for Freshmen of CC and SI Courses, (in portuguese). 17 slides, Belo Horizonte MG. October, 2020.


    1. Roberto S. Bigonha Machine Learning Fundamentals Version 5.0 (in portuguese) 205 pages, Belo Horizonte MG. May, 2020.


    1. Reviewer Certificate. This certificate is awarded to Mariza Andrade da Silva Bigonha in recognition of the review made for Journal of Software: Evolution and Process. "We are grateful to Mariza A. S. Bigonha for reviewing two manuscripts in 2020". Editors: Massimiliano Di Penta, Darren Dalcher and David Raffo. WILEY, February 18, 2020.



    1. Mariza A. S. Bigonha. Chapter 1 Memorial, (in Portuguese). Concurso Professor Titular - DCC/UFMG. Published as a Technical Report of LLP/DCC/UFMG, 66 of 248 pages, April 13, 2019. Slides (100). October 30, 2019.


    1. Mariza A. S. Bigonha, Kecia A. M. Ferreira, Priscila Souza, Bruno Sousa, Marcela Januário, Daniele Lima; The Usefulness of Software Metric Thresholds for Detection of Bad Smells and Fault Prediction. In: Information and Software Technology Journal, Volume 115, pages 79-92, Published online in August,6 by © 2019 Elsivier B.V., DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.infsof.2019.08.005, 2019.

    2. Bruno L. Sousa, Mariza A. S. Bigonha, Kecia A. M. Ferreira; An exploratory study on cooccurrence of design patterns and bad smells using software metrics. In: Software Practice & Experience, Volume 49(7), pages 1079-1113, © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, DOI: 10.1002/spe.2697, July, 2019.

    International Conference

    1. CARDOSO, E. M.; RIBEIRO, R. G.; Reis, Leonardo V. dos Santos; BIGONHA, MARIZA; BIGONHA, Roberto S.; IORIO, Vladimir O Di. An Attribute Language Definition for Adaptable Parsing Expression Grammars. In: 34th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, Programming Language Track (PL), Limassol, Cyprus. Proceedings of 34th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC2019), Part F147772, pages 1518-1525, https://doi.org/10.1145/3297280.3299738, 2019.

    National Conferences

    1. SOUSA, Bruno L.; BIGONHA, Mariza A. S.; FERREIRA, Kecia A. M., Analysis of Coupling Evolution on Open Source Systems. XIII Brazilian Symposium on Software Components, Architectures, and Reuse (SBCARS) CBSOFT, 2019, Salvador - Bahia. NY-USA: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). Pages 23-32. https://doi.org/10.1145/3357141.3357147, Slides (37), 2019.

    Short Paper

    1. SOUSA, B. L.; FERREIRA, M. M.; FERREIRA, Kecia A. M.; BIGONHA, Mariza A. S., Software Engineering Evolution - The History Told by ICSE In SBES'19: Proceedings of the XXXIII Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. https://doi.org/10.1145/3350768.3350794, ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-7651-8/19/09. Pages 17-21. Slides (24), September 2019.


    1. Bruno Luan Sousa, Mariza A. S. Bigonha and Kecia Aline Marques Ferreira. We certify that the article "Analysis of Coupling Evolution on Open Source Systems" was chosen as the Second Best Article of the SBCARS 2019, XIII Brazilian Symposium on Components, Architecture and Software Reuse, Salvador-BA, September 24, 2019.

    Research Projects

    1. Talita Orfanó, Bruno L. Sousa, Mívian Ferreira, Cleiton Tavares, Rafael Prates, Charles Alvarenga, Vanessa Vasconcelos, Mariza A. S. Bigonha (Advisor), Eduardo Figueiredo (Co-Advisor) and Kecia Ferreira (CEFET-MG) (Co-Advisor). Poster'19 PPGCC - Research in progress, (in Portuguese). LLP/DCC/UFMG, 1 page, 2019.

    2. Mariza A. S. Bigonha. Programming Languages Area - LLP, Disciplines and Research activities, (in Portuguese). LLP/DCC/UFMG, 22 pages, 2019.


    1. Mariza A. S. Bigonha (Advisor), Kecia A. M. Ferreira and Eduardo Figueiredo (Co-Advisors). Master's students: Charles Henrique Alvarenga, Cleiton Silva Tavares, Rafael Prates Ferreira Trindade, Talita Santana Orfanó and Vanessa Cristiny Rodrigues Vasconcelos. Ph.D. students: Bruno Luan de Sousa and Mívian Marques Ferreira. Research projects presented in the PPGCC week, 2019.


    1. Certificate of Reviewing awarded for two reviews between July 2017 and April 2019 presented to Mariza Bigonha in recognition of the review contributed to the journal. The Editors of Science of Computer Programming Journal. Elsevier Reviewer recognition, 2019.


    Master Thesis

    1. João Francisco Neiva de Carvalho, Mariza A. S. Bigonha (Advisor). Interdependência entre Alocação de Registradores e Escalonamento de Instruções: Estudo Sistemático e Verificação de Soluções, (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 195 pages. Slides (67), March 28, 2018.


    1. FERREIRA, Kecia A. M.; BIGONHA, Mariza A. S.; BIGONHA, Roberto S.; LIMA, Bernardo Nunes B.; Gomes, Bárbara M. ; MENDES, L. F. O.. A model for estimating change propagation in software. Software Quality Journal, Volume 26, pages 217-248, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11219-017-9358-6.

    2. SOUSA, Bruno Luan, BIGONHA, Mariza A.S., FERREIRA, Kecia A.M., When GOF Design Patterns occur with God Class and Long Method Bad Smells? - An Empirical Analysis. In: INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science, Volume 17 Número 1 (2018), pages 11-22, June 2018.

    International Conference

    1. SOUSA, Bruno Luan, BIGONHA, Mariza A.S., FERREIRA, Kecia A.M., A Systematic Literature Mapping on the Relationship Between Design Patterns and Bad Smells In: Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2018) - SE - Software Engineering Track, Pau, France. DOI: 10.1145/3167132.3167295, EID: 2-s2.0-85050555618, pages 1528-1535. Slides (44), April 9-13, 2018.

    National Conferences

    1. ORFANÓ, Talita S; FERREIRA, Kecia A.F., BIGONHA, Mariza A.S., Heurísticas para Identificação de Ambiguidade de Autores em Projetos Open Source In: VI Workshop de Visualização, Evolução e Manutenção de Software (VEM), IX Congresso Brasileiro de Software (CBSoft), pages 1-8. URL https://vem2018.github.io. Slides (28), 2018.


    1. Mariza A. S. Bigonha (Advisor), Kecia A. M. Ferreira (Co-Advisor). Master's students: Artur Costa Ventura, Charles Henrique Alvarenga, Priscila Fernanda Vasconcelos, Rafael Prates Ferreira Trindade, Talita Santana Orfanó and Vanessa Cristiny Rodrigues Vasconcelos. Ph.D. students: Bruno Luan de Sousa and Mívian Marques Ferreira. Research projects presented in the PPGCC week, 2018.


    Master Thesis

    1. Bruno Luan de Souza, Mariza A. S. Bigonha (Advisor) and Kecia A. M. Ferreira (Co-Advisor). Estudo de Coocorrências de Padrões de Projeto e Bad Smells usando Métricas de Software (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 130 pages. Slides (90), July 7, 2017.

    Book Chapter

    1. Fernandes Eduardo, Souza Priscilla, Ferreira Kecia, Bigonha Mariza A. S., Figueiredo Eduardo (2018). Detection Strategies for Modularity Anomalies: An Evaluation with Software Product Lines. In: Latifi S. (eds) Information Technology - New Generations. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol 558. Springer, Cham. Conference paper, Online: 18 July 2017. @ 2018 Springer International Publishing AG. Pages 565-570. Print ISBN 978-3-319-54977-4. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-54978-1_71.


    1. FERREIRA, Kecia A. M.; BIGONHA, Mariza A. S.; BIGONHA, Roberto S.; LIMA, Bernardo Nunes B.; Gomes, Bárbara M. and MENDES, L. F. O., A model for estimating change propagation in software. Software Quality Journal (Online), Volume 24, pages 1-32, 2017.

    International Conference

    1. SOUSA, Bruno L. ; SOUZA, Priscila; FERNANDES, E ; FERREIRA, Kecia A. M.; BIGONHA, Mariza A. S. FindSmells: Flexible Composition of Bad Smell Detection Strategies. In: 25th International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC), Buenos Aires - Argentina. Proceedings of IEEE/ACM 25th International Conference on Program Comprehension, Volume 1, pages 360-363. DOI: 10.1109/ICPC.2017.8, 2017. Slides (12), 2017.

    National Conferences

    1. Carvalho, João F. N.; Souza, Bruno Luan; Araújo, Marcus R.; Bigonha, Mariza A. S., The Register Allocation and Instruction Scheduling Challenge. SBLP '17: Proceedings of the 21st Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages, (CBSOFT-SBLP). Fortaleza - CE, volume: Part F130805, pages 1-9. DOI: 10.1145/3125374.3125380. Slides (84), September, 2017.

    2. SOUZA, Priscila, BIGONHA, Mariza A. S. and FERREIRA, Kecia A. M.; A Utilidade dos Valores Referência de Métricas na Avaliação da Qualidade de Software Orientado por Objeto - SLIDES (30) (in Portuguese). CBSoft -SBQS, Maceió. XIV Workshop of Theses and Dissertations in Software Quality (WTDQS), September 2017.

    3. SOUZA, Priscila; SOUZA, Bruno L.; FERREIRA, Kecia A. M.; BIGONHA, Mariza A. S.; Applying Software Metric Thresholds for Detection of Bad Smells. In: SBCARS '17: Proceedings of the 11th Brazilian Symposium on Software Components, Architectures, and Reuse. journal: ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, volume (Part F130660), September 2017 Pages 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1145/3132498.3134268, EID: 2-s2.0-85037814637.

    4. SOUSA, Bruno L. ; BIGONHA, Mariza A. S.; FERREIRA, Kecia A. M. Evaluating Co-Occurrence of GOF Design Patterns with God Class and Long Method Bad Smells. In: Proceedings of the 13th Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems (SBSI). Lavras - MG: UFLA Editor. V. 1. pages: 396-403, DOI: 10.5753/sbsi.2017.6068. Slides (27), 2017.

    Technical Reports

    1. SOUSA, Bruno L.; BIGONHA, Mariza A. S.; FERREIRA, Kecia A. M. A Systematic Literature Mapping on the Relationship Between Design Patterns and Bad Smells: Papers Summary. In: LLP003/2017 of the Programming Language Laboratory, pages 1-7, December, 2017.

    2. SOUSA, Bruno L.; BIGONHA, Mariza A. S.; FERREIRA, Kecia A. M. A Tool for Detection of Co-Occurrences between Design Patterns and Bad Smells. In: LLP001/2017 of the Programming Language Laboratory, pages: 1-8, May, 2017.


    1. Certificate of Reviewing awarded July, 2017 to Mariza Bigonha in recognition of the review made for the Journal of Science of Computer Programming. The Editors of Science of Computer Programming. Elsevier Reviewer recognition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July, 2017.


    Master Thesis

    1. Priscila Pereira de Souza, Mariza A. S. Bigonha (Advisor) and Kecia A. M. Ferreira (Co-Advisor). A Utilidade dos Valores Referência de Métricas na Avaliação da Qualidade de Softwares Orientados por Objeto (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 140 pages. Slides (92), October 31, 2016.

    2. Francisco Demontiê Junior, Mariza A. S. Bigonha (Advisor) and Fernando M. Q. Pereira (Co-Advisor). Generation of Test Cases for Languages with Pointer Arithmetics. Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 85 pages. Slides (93), January 29, 2016.


    1. Roberto S. Bigonha EPHEMERIDES OF REGULATION (eBook in Portuguese), 630 pages, 978-85-7669-349-9, Porto Alegre, 2016.

    2. Roberto S. Bigonha; Principles of Harmonization. 3a. Edition, 104 pages, 2016.


    1. Cristiano Maffort, Marco Tulio Valente, Ricardo Terra, Mariza Bigonha, Nicolas Anquetil, Andre Hora. Mining Architectural Violations from Version History. In Empirical Software Engineering Journal (EMSE), Springer. Invited for a special issue with best papers from WCRE 2013. Pages 854-895, Vol. 31, Issue 3, DOI: 10.1007/s10664-014-9348-2, 2016.

    2. Carlos Camarão, Lucília Figueiredo, Rodrigo Ribeiro, Ambiguity and Constrained Polymorphism. In: Science of Computer Programming 124(1), pages 1-19, August 2016.

    National Conferences

    1. Rodrigo Ribeiro, Carlos Camarão, Lucília Figueiredo, Cristiano Vasconcellos, Optional Type Classes for Haskell. SBLP'2016, (20th Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages), Marília, SP, 15 pages, September 19-23, 2016.

    2. Raul Lopes, Rodrigo Ribeiro, Carlos Camarão, Certified Derivative-Based Parsing of Regular Expressions, SBLP'2016, (20th Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages), Marília, SP, 15 pages, September 19-23, 2016.

    3. Roberto S. Bigonha; Evaluation of Research in Computing. 3a. Edition, 24 pages, (not submitted) 2016.

    Technical Report

    1. Henrique G. Nunes, Mariza A. S. Bigonha, Kecia M. Ferreira and Flávio A. Madureira. UMLsmell: uma Ferramenta de Detecção de Bad Smells em Softwares a partir de Modelos UML. Published as Technical Report of the Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), 8 pages, 2016.


    1. Certificate of Reviewing awarded December, 2016 to Mariza Bigonha in recognition of the review made for the Journal of Information and Software Technology. The Editors of Information and Software Technology. Elsevier Reviewer recognition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, December, 2016.


    Master Thesis

    1. Felipe Silva Loredo, Mariza A. S. Bigonha (Advisor) and Claudionor José Nunes Coelho Junior (Co-Advisor). Um Modelo Transparente de Memória Scratchpad para Arquiteturas de Propósito Geral, (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 193 pages. Slides (206), February 6, 2015.

    Master Thesis Proposals

    1. Priscila Pereira de Souza, Mariza A. S. Bigonha (Advisor) and Kecia Aline M. Ferreira (Co-Advisor). A Utilidade dos Valores Referência de Métricas na Avaliação da Qualidade de Software Orientados por Objeto (in Portuguese). Thesis proposal presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 21 pages. June, 2015.

    2. Charles Henrique Alvarenga, Mariza A. S. Bigonha (Advisor) and Kecia Aline M. Ferreira (Co-Advisor). A Natureza Evolutiva dos Bad Smells em Software Orientado por Objeto - Um Estudo Empírico Aplicando Valores Referência para Métricas de Software, (in Portuguese). Thesis proposal presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 26 pages. October, 2015.


    1. Leonardo V. S. Reis; Vladimir O. Di Iorio; Roberto S. Bigonha. An on-the-fly grammar modification mechanism for composing and defining extensible languages.. Computer Languages, Systems & Structures , Volume 42, pages 46-59, 2015.

    International Conference

    1. Tarcísio G. S. Filó, Mariza A. S. Bigonha, Kecia Aline Marques Ferreira, A Catalogue of Thresholds for Object-Oriented Software Metrics. In: Proceedings do International Conference on Advances and Trends in Software Engineering - SOFTENG2015, Barcelona, Espanha. OTHER-ID: Corpus ID: 19247154, Part of ISBN: 978-1-61208-449-7, pages 48-55 April, 2015.

    National Conferences

    1. Francisco Demontiê, Junio Cezar, Mariza Bigonha, Frederico Campos, Fernando Pereira. Automatic Inference of Loop Complexity through Polynomial Interpolation, In: Pardo, A., Swierstra, S. (eds) Programming Languages. SBLP 2015. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), Volume 9325, pages 1-15. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-24012-1_1, 2015.

    2. Adelaine Gelain, Cristiano Vasconcellos, Rodrigo Ribeiro, Carlos Camarão. Type Inference for GADTs and Anti-unification. In: 19th Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages (SBLP'2015), Belo Horizonte, September 21-25. LNCS 9325, pages 16-30, 2015.

    3. Junio Cezar Ribeiro da Silva, Francisco Demontiê dos Santos Junior, Mariza Bigonha e Fernando Quintão Pereira. Asymptus - A Tool for Automatic Inference of Loop Complexity. CBSoft Tools (online), Belo Horizonte, MG, pages 89-96, 2015.

    4. Rodrigo Ribeiro, Carlos Camarão, A Mechanized Textbook Proof of a Type Unification Algorithm. In: 18th Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods (SBMF'2015), Belo Horizonte, September 21-25, pages 84-98, 2015.


    1. Tarcísio G. S. Filó, Mariza A. S. Bigonha, Kecia Aline Marques Ferreira, Best Paper Award in the SOFTENG 2015 for the work A Catalogue of Thresholds for Object-Oriented Software Metrics Barcelona, Espanha, Abril, 2015.

    2. Francisco Demontiê, Junio Cezar, Mariza Bigonha, Frederico Campos, Fernando Pereira. 3rd Place in the Category of Best Papers of the XIX SBLP. for Automatic Inference of Loop Complexity through Polynomial Interpolation, In: Pardo, A., Swierstra, S. (eds) Programming Languages. SBLP 2015. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 9325.


    Ph.D. Dissertation

    1. Cristiano Amaral Maffort, Marco Tulio Valente (Advisor) and Mariza Bigonha (Co-Advisor) . Mineração de Violações Arquiteturais usando Histórico de Versões. Dissertation presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining the degree of Doctor in Computer Science. 131 pages, October 9, 2014.

    2. Leonardo Vieira dos Santos Reis, Roberto da Silva Bigonha (Advisor) and Vladimir Oliveira Di Iorio (Co-Advisor). Adaptable Parsing Expression Grammars. Dissertation presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining the degree of Doctor in Computer Science. 116 pages, November 17, 2014.

    Masters Thesis

    1. Gabriel de Godoy Correa e Castro, Roberto S. Bigonha (Advisor) and Fábio Tirelo (Co-Advisor). Generation of Compilers based on Components (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 166 pages, 2014.

    2. Henrique Gomes Nunes, Mariza Bigonha (Advisor) and Kecia A.M. Ferreira (Co-Advisor). Identificação de Bad Smells em Software a partir de Modelos UML (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science. 98 pages, February 28, 2014.

    3. Tarcísio Guerra Savino Filó, Mariza A. S. Bigonha (Advisor) and Kecia Aline Marques Ferreira (Co-Advisor). Identificação de Valores Referência para Métricas de Softwares Orientados por Objetos (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science. 223 pages. Slides (74), December 15, 2014.


    1. BIGONHA, ROBERTO S.; MEDEIROS, CLAUDIA B. ; MAMMANA, CLÁUDIO Z. ; SANTOS, CLÉSIO S. ; MENASCE, DANIEL A. ; WAGNER, FLÁVIO R. ; MARTINS, LUIZ C. ; SILVEIRA, PEDRO M. and REIS, RICARDO A. L. Memoirs of the Brazilian Computer Society (ABSTRACT). First Edition, Porto Alegre, RS: SBC, Volume 1, 144 pages, 2014.

    Book Chapter

    1. Roberto da Silva Bigonha. Profissão de Informática. Chapter 9 of the book Memoirs of the Brazilian Computer Society (Volume 1, 144 pages, First Edition), Porto Alegre, RS, SBC. Pages 109-123, 2014.


    1. Tarcísio G.S. Filó, Mariza A.S. Bigonha and Kecia A.M. Ferreira, Statistical Dataset on Software Metrics in Object-Oriented Systems. In: ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Volume 39, Issue 5, pages 1-6. https://doi.org/10.1145/2659118.2659130, Part of ISSN: 0163-5948, September 2014.

    2. CESAR COUTO; MARCO TULIO VALENTE; PEDRO PIRES; ANDRE HORA; NICOLAS ANQUIEL and ROBERTO S. BIGONHA. BugMaps-Granger: a tool for visualizing and predicting bugs using Granger causality tests. In: Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development, Volume 2, 12 pages, 2014.

    3. LEONARDO V.S. ; BIGONHA, ROBERTO S. ; DI IORIO, VLADIMIR O. and AMORIM, LUIS EDUARDO S. The formalization and implementation of Adaptable Parsing Expression Grammars> In: Science of Computer Programming (Print) , Volume 96, pages 191-210, 2014.

    4. COUTO, CESAR; PIRES, PEDRO; VALENTE, MARCO TULIO; BIGONHA, ROBERTO S. and ANQUETIL, NICOLAS. Predicting software defects with causality tests. In: The Journal of Systems and Software , Volume 93, pages 24-41, 2014.

    International Conference

    1. REIS, L. V. S. ; IORIO, V. O. and BIGONHA, ROBERTO S . Defining the syntax of extensible languages. In: 29th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing - SAC '14, 2014, Gyeongju, Korea. Proceedings of the 29th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing. New York: ACM Press. New York: ACM Press, pages 1570-1576, 2014.

    2. BIGONHA, Roberto S.; TIRELO, Fábio and SANTOS, Guilherme H. S. Separation of Concerns in Denotational Semantics Descriptions. In: SAC'14, Gyeongju, Korea. Proceedings of the 29th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing. New York: ACM Press. New York: ACM Press, pages 1570-1576, 2014.

    National Conferences

    1. Francisco dos Santos Junior Demontiê, Filipe de Lima Arcanjo and Mariza A.S. Bigonha, Um Algoritmo para Emparelhamento de Chamadas de Função. CBSOFT 2014, SBLP-2014, Maceió 10/2014.

    2. Tarcísio G. S. Filó, Mariza A. S. Bigonha and Kecia Aline Marques Ferreira, RAFTool - Ferramenta de Filtragem de Métodos, Classes e Pacotes com Medições Incomuns de Métricas de Software. In: X Anual Workshop of MPS (WAMPS 2014), SOFTEX, pages 242-248, Campinas-SP. Slides (20). December 2, 2014.

    3. Tarcísio G. S. Filó, Mariza A. S. Bigonha and Kecia Aline Marques Ferreira. Um Método de Extração de Valores Referência para Métricas de Softwares Orientados por Objetos (in Portuguese). CBSOFT - Proceedings of the IV CBSoft Theses and Dissertations (WTDSoft 2014), 6 pages, Maceió, October, 2014.

    4. Henrique N. Gomes, Flávio Madureira, Mariza Bigonha and Kecia A.M. Ferreira, Um Método para Identificação de Bad Smells a partir de Diagramas de Classes (in Portuguese). 2nd Workshop on Software Visualization, Maintenance, and Evolution (VEM 2014) CBSoft 2014, Maceió-Alagoas, 8 pages, 2014.

    5. REIS, L. V. S.; IORIO, V. O. and BIGONHA, Roberto Silva. A Mixed Approach for Building Extensible Parsers. In: Brazilian Symposium on Programming Language, Maceió, Alagoas. Proceedings of the 18th SBLP, pages 1-15, 2014.


    Ph.D. Dissertations

    1. Rodrigo Geraldo Ribeiro, Carlos Camarão de Figueiredo (Advisor). Classes de Tipos com Múltiplos Parâmetros e Opcionais em Haskell, (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science from the Institute of Exact Sciences at the University Federal of Minas Gerais - Department of Computer Science, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in Computer Science. 143 pages, July 30, 2013.

    2. Ricardo Terra Nunes Bueno Villela, Roberto S. Bigonha (Advisor) and Marco Túlio de Oliveira Valente (Co-Advisor). A Recommendation System for Repairing Software Architecture Erosion. Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science from the Institute of Exact Sciences at the University Federal of Minas Gerais - Department of Computer Science, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in Computer Science. 130 pages, September 27, 2013.

    3. César Francisco de Moura Couto, Roberto S. Bigonha (Advisor), Marco Túlio de Oliveira Valente and Nicolas Anquetil (Co-Advisors). Predicting Software Defects with Causality Tests. Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science from the Institute of Exact Sciences at the University Federal of Minas Gerais - Department of Computer Science, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in Computer Science. 130 pages, December 10, 2013.

    Master Thesis

    1. Guilherme Henrique de Sousa Santos, Roberto S. Bigonha (Advisor) and Fábio Tirelo (Co-Advisor). Semântica Denotacional Escalável de Linguagens Imperativas, (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 202 pages, March 14, 2013.

    2. Gabriel Quadros Silva, Fernando M. Q. Pereira (Advisor) and Mariza A. S. Bigonha (Co-Advisor). Detecção Estática e Dinâmica da Vulnerabilidade de Vazamento de Endereços, (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 64 pages, March, 2013.

    3. Thiago Henrique Braga, Roberto S. Bigonha (Advisor) and Marcelo de Almeida Maia (Co-Advisor). Recuperação da Arquitetura de Software para Manutenção de Sistemas, (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 146 pages, April 19, 2013.

    Master Thesis Proposal

    1. Tarcísio Guerra Savino Filó, Mariza A. S. Bigonha (Advisor) and Kecia Aline Marques Ferreira (Co-Advisor). Um Método de Extração de Valores Referência para Métricas de Softwares Orientados por Objetos, (in Portuguese). Thesis proposal presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science. 6 pages. February, 2013.


    1. Rodrigo Ribeiro, Carlos Camarão, Ambiguity and Context-Dependent Overloading. Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, 19(3), 313-324. URL: "http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs13173-013-0103-0", 2013.

    2. Rodrigo Ribeiro, Carlos Camarão, Lucília Figueiredo, Terminating Constraint Set Satisfiability and Simplification Algorithms for Context-Dependent Overloading. URL: "http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs13173-013-0107-9", Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, 19(4), 423-432, 2013.

    3. Rodrigo Ribeiro, Lucília Figueiredo and Carlos Camarão, Mechanized Metatheory for a Lambda-Calculus with Trust Types. URL: href="http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs13173-013-0119-5#/page-1", Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, 19(4), 433-443, 2013.

    4. RIMSA, ANDREI ; D'AMORIM, MARCELO ; QUINTÃO PEREIRA, FERNANDO MAGNO and BIGONHA, ROBERTO S. Efficient static checker for tainted variable attacks. Science of Computer Programming (Print) , Volume 1, pages 1016-1030, 2013.

    5. Terra, Ricardo; MIRANDA, LUIS FERNANDO; VALENTE, MARCO TULIO; BIGONHA, ROBERTO S. Qualitas.class corpus. Software Engineering Notes, Volume 38, pages 1-4, 2013.

    6. TERRA, R.; Valente, Marco Tulio; CZARNECKI, KRZYSZTOF and BIGONHA, Roberto Silva. A recommendation system for repairing violations detected by static architecture conformance checking. Software, Practice & Experience (Print), Volume 45, pages 315-342, 2013.

    International Conferences

    1. Cristiano Maffort, Marco Tulio Valente, Nicolas Anquetil, Andre Hora, and Mariza Bigonha. Heuristics for Discovering Architectural Violations.. In Proceedings do 20th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE), Koblenz-Landau, Germany, pages 222-231, 2013.

    2. Cristiano Maffort, Marco Tulio Valente, Mariza Bigonha, Andre Hora, Nicolas Anquetil, and Jonata Menezes. Mining Architectural Patterns Using Association Rules. In 25th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE), pages 375-380, 2013.

    3. Terra, Ricardo; BRUNET, J.; MIRANDA, D.; VALENTE, M. T. O.; SEREY, D.; CASTILHO, D.; BIGONHA, R. S.. Measuring the Structural Similarity between Source Code Entities. In: 25th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering. Boston, 2013. Volume 1, pages 1-6, 2013.

    National Conferences

    1. Henrique N. Gomes, Mariza Bigonha and Kecia A.M. Ferreira, Identificação de Bad Smells em Softwares a partir de Modelos UML, (in Portuguese). Proceedings of the Brazilian Congress of Software: Theory and Practice, WTDSoft. Brasilia DF, pages: 1-6. Slides (21), 2013.

    2. Cristiano Maffort; Marco Tulio Valente; Mariza Bigonha; Leonardo Humberto Silva and Gladston Aparecido. ArchLint: Uma Ferramenta para Detecção de Violações Arquiteturais usando Histórico de Versões. In: Proceedings of the Brazilian Congress of Software: Theory and Practice, (Tools section), - WTDSoft. Brasilia DF:, pages 1-6, 2013.

    3. Cesar Couto, Pedro Pires, Túlio Valente, Roberto Bigonha, André Hora, Nicolas Anquetil, BugMaps-Granger: A Tool for Causality Analysis Between Source Code Metrics and Bugs. Published in Proceedings of the Brazilian Congress of Software: Theory and Practice, (Tools section), - WTDSoft. Pages 1-7, Brasília, 2013.


    1. REIS, Leonardo V. S.; IORIO, Vladimir O.; BIGONHA, Roberto S., Parsing Expression Grammar Adaptável, (in Portuguese). In Seminar Week of the Graduate Program in Computer Science (PPGCC) DCC/UFMG, August, 2013.


    1. REIS, Leonardo V. S., Roberto Bigonha (Advisor) and Vladimir O. IORIO (Co-Advisor). Award in the Doctorate Category in the Seminars Week of the Graduate Program in Computer Science for "Parsing Expression Grammar Adaptable", August, 2013.

    2. Cesar Couto, Pedro Pires, Túlio Valente, Roberto Bigonha, André Hora and Nicolas Anquetil, Tool Section Best Article Award for "BugMaps-Granger: A Tool for Causality Analysis Between Source Code Metrics and Bugs", in the Tools Session of Brazilian Software Congress: Theory and Practice (CBSoft), 2013.

    Technical Report

    1. Danilo Lopes Frota, BIGONHA, Roberto S. (POC Advisor). Projetando a camada de apresentação no .NET Framework. Final Course Monograph (in Portuguese). Internal Technical Report LLP/DCC/UFMG, pages 1-32, October, 2013.

    2. Flávio Airjan Madureira de Alvarenga, Mariza A. S. Bigonha(IC Advisor). UmlSmells Uma Ferramenta de Engenharia de Software, Slides of the Scientific Initiation Project, (in Portuguese). Funding Agency: FAPEMIG. Published as Internal Technical Report LLP/DCC/UFMG. UMLSmell Architecture, 1 page. Slides (27), October 17, 2013.

    3. Henrique N. Gomes, Mariza Bigonha, Kecia A.M. Ferreira and Flávio Airjan Madureira Um Método para Identificação de Bad Smells em Softwares a partir de Diagramas de Classes (in Portuguese). Technical Report LLP/DCC/UFMG, Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), 8 pages, 2013.

    4. Henrique N. Gomes, Mariza Bigonha, Kecia A.M. Ferreira and Flávio Airjan Madureira Um Método para Identificação de Bad Smells em Softwares a partir de Modelos UML (in Portuguese). Technical Report LLP/DCC/UFMG, Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), 10 pages, 2013.

    5. André L. C. Tavares, Mariza A. S. Bigonha, Roberto S. Bigonha, Benoit Boissinot, Fernando M. Q. Pereira and Fabrice Rastello. Parameterized Construction of Program Representations for Sparse Dataflow Analyses. Technical Report LLP/DCC/UFMG, Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), 29 pages, 2013.

    6. Guilherme H. S. Santos, Roberto S. Bigonha and Fábio Tirelo. Semântica Denotacional Legível e Escalável de Linguagens Imperativas (in Portuguese). Technical Report LLP/DCC/UFMG, Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), 14 pages, 2013.


    Master Thesis Proposal

    1. Henrique Gomes Nunes, Mariza Bigonha (Advisor) , Kecia A.M. Ferreira (Co-Advisor). Identificação de Bad Smells em Software a partir de Modelos UML (in Portuguese). Thesis proposal presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science. 36 pages, November, 2012.


    1. Kecia A.M. Ferreira, Mariza A.S. Bigonha, Roberto S. Bigonha, Luiz F.O. Mendes, Heitor C. Almeida. Identifying Thresholds for Object-Oriented Software Metrics. The Journal of Systems and Software, DOI 10.1016/j.jss.2011.05.044, ISSN 01641212, Vol. 85 S.2, pages 244-257, 2012.

    International Conference

    1. Kecia A. M. Ferreira, Mariza A. S. Bigonha, Roberto S. Bigonha and Roberta C. das Neves, The Evolving Structures of Software Systems. In: 3rd International Workshop on Emerging Trends in Software Metrics (WETSom 2012) Satellite workshop of ICSE12, Zurich - Switzerland. Pages 28-34, 2012.

    2. COUTO, César F. M.; VALENTE, M. T. O.; BIGONHA, R. S. and ANTEQUIL, N.. Uncovering Causal Relationships Between Software Metrics and Bugs. In: European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR), pages 223-232, 2012.

    3. André Hora, Nicolas Anquetil, Stephane Ducasse, Muhammad Bhatti, Cesar Couto, Marco Túlio Valente and Júlio Martins BugMaps: A Tool for the Visual Exploration and Analysis of Bugs. In: European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR), pages 523-526, 2012.

    Expanded Abstract

    1. Terra, Ricardo; VALENTE, MARCO TULIO; CZARNECKI, KRZYSZTOF and BIGONHA, ROBERTO S., Recommending Refactorings to Reverse Software Architecture Erosion. In: 16th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR), Szeged. Volume 1, pages 335-340, 2012.

    National Conferences

    1. Kecia A. M. Ferreira, Mariza A. S. Bigonha, Roberto S. Bigonha and Roberta C. das Neves, A Generic Macroscopic Topology of Software Networks - a Quantitative Evaluation. CBSoft 2012 - Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, Natal RN, pages 161-170, 978-0-7695-4868-5/12 © 2012 IEEE DOI 10.1109/SBES.2012.26. 2012.

    2. Kecia A. M. Ferreira, Roberta C. das Neves and Mariza A.S.Bigonha, Identificação de Padrões de Características Estruturais em Software Orientado a Objetos, (In Portuguese). Published in the Proceedurings of the XI Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality. Fortaleza-CE, pages 218-232, 2012.

    3. Cristiano Maffort, Marco Túlio O. Valente and Mariza A. S. Bigonha, Detecção de Violações Arquiteturais usando Histórico de Versões, (In Portuguese). Published in the Proceedings of the XI Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality. Fortaleza Ceará, pages 98-112, 2012.

    4. Reis, Leonardo V. S.; BIGONHA, R. S. and IORIO, V. O., Adaptable Parsing Expression Grammar. In: Brazilian Symposium on Programming Language, Natal, RN. Lectures Notes in Computer Science. Berlin: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pages 72-86, 2012.

    5. Terra, Ricardo; VALENTE, M. T. O.; BIGONHA, R. S. and CZARNECKI, K., DCLFix: A Recomendation System for Repairing Architectural Violations. In: Proceedings of the III SBSoft - Tools Session, Natal, RN, Volume 1, pages 1-6, 2012.

    6. Terra, Ricardo; VALENTE, M. T. O. and BIGONHA, R. S., An Approach for Extracting Modules from Monolithic Software Architectures. In: Proceedings of the IX Modern Software Maintenance Workshop, Fortaleza, CE. SBC, pages 1-8, 2012.


    1. Kecia Aline Marques Ferreira; Mariza Andrade da Silva Bigonha; Roberto da Silva Bigonha and Roberta Coeli Neves Moreira, won the 5th Best Paper ward at the SBES 2012 XXVI Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering with the article "A Generic Macroscopic Topology of Software Networks - a Quantitative Evaluation", held in the III Brazilian Congress of Software: Theory and Practice (CBSoft), 2012.

    2. Ricardo Terra, Marco Túlio Valente, Roberto Bigonha, Krzysztof Czarnecki, Second place among the works presented in the Tools Section of CBSoft for "DCLfix: A Recommendation System for Repairing Architectural Violations", presented in the III Brazilian Congress of Software: Theory and Practice (CBSoft), 2012.

    Technical Report

    1. Terra, Ricardo; VALENTE, M. T. O.; CZARNECKI, K.; BIGONHA, R. S.. A Recommendation System for Tackling Software Architecture Erosion. Internal Technical Report LLP/DCC/UFMG, pages: 1-10, 2012.

    2. André Tavares, Fernando Magno Quintão Pereira, Mariza A. S. Bigonha, Roberto S. Bigonha and Fabrice Rastello. SSI on Demand. Internal Technical Report LLP/DCC/UFMG, 15 pages, 2012.


    Ph.D. Dissertation

    1. Kecia Aline Marques Ferreira, Mariza A. S. Bigonha (Advisor), Roberto S. Bigonha (Co-Advisor) and Bernardo Nunes Borges de Lima (Collaborator). Um Modelo de Predição de Amplitude da Propagação de Modificações Contratuais em Software Orientado por Objetos. Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science from the Institute of Exact Sciences at the University Federal of Minas Gerais - Department of Computer Science, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in Computer Science. (In Portuguese), 224 pages, February 22, 2011.

    Master Thesis

    1. Marcos Rodrigo Sol Souza, Mariza Bigonha (Advisor) and Fernando Magno Quintão Pereira (Co-Advisor). Eliminação de Testes de Overflow para Compiladores de Trilhas, (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science. 84 pages, January 25, 2011.

    2. André Luiz Camargos Tavares, Mariza Bigonha (Advisor) and Fernando Magno Quintão Pereira (Co-Advisor). Decoupled Graph-Coloring Register Allocation with Hierarchical Aliasing (Alocação de Registradores Desacoplada Baseada em Coloração de Grafos com Compartilhamento Hierárquico.) Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial fulfillment for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science. 95 pages, January 26, 2011.

    International Conferences

    1. Marcos Rodrigo Sol Souza, Christophe Guillon, Fernando M. Q. Pereira , Mariza A. S. Bigonha, Dynamic Elimination of Overflow Tests in a Trace Compiler. In: Proceedings of European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (CC-ETAPS), Saarbrücken, Alemanha. LNCS 6601, Volume 1, pages 2-21, 2011.

    2. André Tavares, Quentin Colombet, Mariza Bigonha, Christofen Guillon, Fernando Pereira, Fabrice Rastello, Decoupled Graph-Coloring Register Allocation with Hierarquical Aliasing., In: Proceedings of SCOPES 2011, the 14th International Workshop on Software and Compilers for Embedded Systems, St Goar/Germany, 10 pages, 2011.

    3. Newton Vieira, Isabel Barbosa, Carlos Camarão, From Proof Trees to Justificatory Answering. EPIA'2011 In: 15th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Lisboa, October 10-13, 15 pages, 2011.

    National Conferences

    1. Kecia M. Ferreira, Mariza A. S. Bigonha, Roberto. S. Bigonha, Heitor C. Almeida and Roberta C. das Neves, Métrica de Coesão de Responsabilidade - A Utilidade da Métrica de Coesão na Identificação de Classes com Problemas Estruturais, (In Portuguese), In Proceedings of the X Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, pages 9-24, 2011.

    2. Kecia Ferreira , Mariza Bigonha, Roberto S. Bigonha and Bárbara M. Gomes, Software Evolution Characterization - A Complex Network Approach, In Proceedings of the X Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality. Pages 41-56, 2011.

    3. Marco Silva and Carlos Camarão, Controlling the Scope of Instances in Haskell. In: 15th Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages (SBLP'2011), São Paulo, 15 pages, July 29-30, 2011.

    4. Elton Máximo Cardoso, Carlos Camarão, Lucília Figueiredo, First Class Overloading via Intersection Type Parameters, SBLP'2011, In: 15th Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages (SBLP'2011), São Paulo, 15 pages, July 29-30, 2011.

    5. COUTO, César F. M.; VALENTE, M. T. O.; BIGONHA, R. S. Avaliação de Causalidade entre Métricas de Qualidade Interna e Defeitos, (in Portuguese). In Proceedings of the X Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality (SBQS), Curitiba, PR., SBC, Volume 1, pages 279-293, 2011.

    Short Paper

    1. IORIO, V. O.; Reis, Leonard V. S.; BIGONHA, R. S. ; VALENTE, M. T. O.. Weave Time Macros. In: Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Workshop on Domain-Specific Aspect Languages. Porto de Galinhas, PE. New York: ACM, Volume 6, pages 1-3, 2011.


    1. Kecia Aline Marques Ferreira; Mariza Andrade da Silva Bigonha; Roberto da Silva Bigonha and Bárbara M. Gomes, won the Best Paper ward at the SBQS 2011 with the article "Software Evolution Characterization - A Complex Network Approach", held in the X Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality (SQBS), 2011.

    Technical Report

    1. André Luiz C. Tavares, Mariza A.S. Bigonha, Roberto S. Bigonha, Benoit Boissinot, Fernando M. Q. Pereira and Fabrice Rastello Parameterized Construction of Program Representations for Sparse Data ow Analyses. Technical Report of LLP/DCC/ICEx/UFMG, pages 1-29, February, 2011.

    2. Bárbara Malta Gomes, Mariza A.S. Bigonha (IC Advisor) and Kecia A. M. Ferreira (IC Co-Advisor). K3B - Experimentos em Larga Escala usando CONNECTA, (in Portuguese). Technical Report of Initiation Scientific, internal to the DCC, February, 2011.

    3. Roberta Coeli Neves, Mariza A.S. Bigonha (IC Advisor) and Kecia A. M. Ferreira (IC Co-Advisor). K3B - Experimentos em Larga Escala usando CONNECTA (in Portuguese). Final technical report of Cientific Initiation, published RT of LLP/DCC/UFMG, 25 pages, Laboratory of Programming Languages, August, 2011.

    4. Matheus Lima Diniz Araújo, Mariza A.S. Bigonha (IC Advisor). Conhecendo o compilador LLVM e iniciando a implementação de um alocador de registrador (in Portuguese). Final technical report of Cientific Initiation, published RT of LLP/DCC/UFMG, 11 pages, Laboratory of Programming Languages (LLP), August, 2011.

    5. Samir Palumbo Khalifa, Mariza A.S. Bigonha (IC Advisor). Incorporação de um Alocador Global de Registradores ao Compilador LLVM (in Portuguese). Final technical report of Cientific Initiation, published RT of LLP/DCC/UFMG, 18 pages, Laboratory of Programming Languages (LLP), December 15, 2011.

    6. MILANES, Anolan; BIGONHA, Roberto da Silva. Lua Chords. Published RT of LLP/DCC/UFMG, 18 pages, Laboratory of Programming Languages (LLP), 16 pages, April 27, 2011.


    Master Thesis

    1. Leonardo Vieira dos Santos Reis, Roberto S. Bigonha (Advisor) and Vladimir Oliveira Di Iorio (Co-Advisor). Especialização de Linguagens Orientadas por Aspectos Baseada em Extensibilidade de Gramáticas, (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 132 pages, March 12, 2010.

    2. Giselle Machado Nogueira Reis, Elaine Govêa Pimentel (Advisor) and Roberto S. Bigonha (Co-Advisor). Especificação de Sistemas Utilizando Lógica Linear com Subexponenciais, (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 88 pages, September, 2010.

    3. Elton Máximo Cardoso, Carlos Camarão de Figueiredo (Advisor) and Lucília Camarão de Figueiredo (Co-Advisor). Funções Sobrecarregadas como Objeto de Primeira Classe, (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 87 pages, November 19, 2010.

    4. Andrei Rimsa Álvares, Roberto S. Bigonha (Advisor) and Fernando M. Q. Pereira (Co-Advisor). Efficient Static Analysis to Find Tainted Variable Attacks. Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 98 pages, December 3, 2010.

    National Conferences

    1. Marcos Rodrigo Sol Souza, Fernando Magno Q. Pereira and Mariza A.S. Bigonha, Removing Overflow Tests via Run-Time Partial Evaluation. In: Proceedings of the 14th Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages, Salvador-BA, 15 pages, September, 2010.

    2. André L. C. Tavares, Fernando M. Q. Pereira, Mariza A.S. Bigonha and Roberto S. Bigonha. Efficient SSI Conversion. In: Proceedings of the 14th Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages, Salvador-BA, September, pages 41-54, 2010.

    3. Terra, Ricardo; Almeida, Jussara; BIGONHA, R. S.; VALENTE, M. T. O.. Análise Comparativa do Código Gerado por Compiladores Java e C++, (in Portuguese). In: Proceedings of the 14th Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages, Salvador, Bahia, Volume 2, pages 69-82, 2010.

    4. MILANES, Anolan; BIGONHA, Roberto da Silva. Moonlight Chords. In: Proceedings of the IV Seminar on Languages and Tools for Multithreaded, Parallel and Distributed Programming, Salvador, Bahia, Brasil, Volume 7, pages 25-32, 2010.

    Graduate Seminar

    1. Kecia Aline Marques Ferreira; Mariza Andrade da Silva Bigonha and Roberto da Silva Bigonha. Um Modelo de Predição de Amplitude da Propagação de Modificações Contratuais em Software Orientado por Objetos, (in Portuguese). Technical Report of LLP/DCC/ICEx/UFMG, 3 pages, 2010.

    Research Projects

    1. Mariza Andrade da Silva Bigonha Projeto: CONNECTA - Conectividade em Módulos. Abstract Project submitted to Edital  Único PRPq 01/2010 and Scientific Initiation Plan. Fundep/SANTANDER 2010. Technical Report of LLP/DCC/ICEx/UFMG, 4 Pages, 2010.

    2. Mariza Andrade da Silva Bigonha. Projeto: K3B - Experimentos em Larga Escala usando CONNECTA. Edital BITIB - PRPq 04/2010, Abstract Project submitted to Edital-04-2010 and Scientific Initiation Plan. FAPEMIG 2010. Technical Report of LLP/DCC/ICEx/UFMG, 6 Pages, 2010.

    3. Mariza Andrade da Silva Bigonha. Projeto: AlocReg - Incorporação de um Novo Alocador de Registradores em LLVM. Edital Único - PRPq 01/2010, Abstract of the Scientific Initiation Plan submitted to FAPEMIG/PROBIC 2010. Technical Report of LLP/DCC/ICEx/UFMG, 2 Pages, 2010.

    Technical Report

    1. Kecia Aline Marques Ferreira; Mariza Andrade da Silva Bigonha; Roberto da Silva Bigonha and Bárbara M. Gomes, Software Evolution Characterization. Technical Report of LLP/DCC/ICEx/UFMG, Pages 1-10, 2010.

    2. Kecia Aline Marques Ferreira; Mariza Andrade da Silva Bigonha; Roberto da Silva Bigonha and Bárbara Malta Gomes. Como Software Evolui? - Uma Abordagem de Redes, (in Portuguese). Technical Report of LLP/DCC/ICEx/UFMG, 9 pages, 2010.

    3. Kecia Aline Marques Ferreira; Mariza Andrade da Silva Bigonha; Roberto da Silva Bigonha, Luiz F. O. Mendes, and Heitor C. Almeida. Reference Values for Six Object-oriented Software Metrics. Technical Report of LLP/DCC/ICEx/UFMG, 15 pages, 2010.

    4. Kecia Aline Marques Ferreira; Mariza Andrade da Silva Bigonha; Roberto da Silva Bigonha, Luiz F. O. Mendes and Heitor C. Almeida. Indentifying object-oriented software metrics thresholds. Technical Report of LLP/DCC/ICEx/UFMG, 24 pages, submited to JSS in February 28, 2010.

    5. Matheus Lima Diniz Araújo and Mariza Andrade da Silva Bigonha (Advisor). Incorporação de um Novo Alocador de Registradores em LLVM, (in Portuguese). Partial Report of the Single Public Notice PRPq 01/2010, FAPEMIG/PROBIC 2010, AlocReg Project, published as Technical Report of LLP/DCC/ICEx/UFMG, 12 pages, 2010.

    6. André L. C. Tavares, Fernando M. Q. Pereira and Mariza A.S. Bigonha and Roberto S. Bigonha. SSI on Demand. Technical Report of LLP/DCC/UFMG. Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), 15 pages, 2010.

    7. Leonardo Passos, Mariza Andrade da Silva Bigonha and Roberto S. Bigonha. An LALR Parser Generator with Conflict Removal Support. Technical Report of LLP/DCC/ICEx/UFMG, 20 pages, December, 2010.


    1. Marcos Rodrigo Sol Souza, Fernando Magno Q. Pereira and Mariza Andrade da Silva Bigonha, won the Best Paper ward at the SBLP 2010 with the article "Removing Overflow Tests Via Run-Time Partial Evaluation", held in the X Brazilian Symposium on Programming Language (SBLP), 2010.

    2. André L. C. Tavares, Fernando M. Q. Pereira, Mariza A. S. Bigonha and Roberto S. Bigonha. won the 2th Best Paper ward at the SBLP 2010 with the article "Efficient SSI Conversion", held in the X Brazilian Symposium on Programming Language (SBLP), 2010.


    Ph.D. Dissertation

    1. Fabio Tirelo, Roberto S. Bigonha (Advisor), João Alexandre Baptista Saraiva (Co-Advisor). Semântica Incremental de Linguagens de Programação . Dissertation presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science from the Institute of Exact Sciences at the University Federal of Minas Gerais - Department of Computer Science, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in Computer Science. 238 pages, (in Portuguese), March, 2009.

    Master Thesis

    1. Sérgio Vale e Pace, Roberto S. Bigonha (Advisor), Programação Concorrente Baseada em Acorde Para a Plataforma Java (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science. 167 pages, July, 2009.

    Defense of Ph.D. Dissertation Proposal

    1. Kecia Aline Marques Ferreira, Mariza A. S. Bigonha (Advisor) and Roberto da Silva Bigonha (Co-Advisor). Um Modelo de Predição de Tempo de Manutenção de Software Orientado por Objeto (in Portuguese). Ph.D. dissertation proposal presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining the degree of Doctor in Computer Science. 140 pages. Defense of the dissertation project for the Examining Committee: profa. Mariza A. S. Bigonha (DCC-UFMG) (Advisor), prof. Roberto S. Bigonha (Co-Advisor), prof. Arndt Von Staa (PUC-Rio), prof. Paulo César Masieiro (ICMC-USP), prof. Antônio Francisco do Prado (UFSCar). Project approved on August, 2009.


    1. Roberto S. Bigonha Programação Modular - Volume I: A Linguagem Java (eBook in Portuguese), 333 pages, DCC/UFMG, 2009.

    Book Chapter

    1. Carlos Camarão, Mateus Galvão, Newton Vieira, SAT and Planning: an Overview. Chapter in Intelligent Systems in Operations Management, IGI-Global, editor Barin Nag, 16 pages, 2009.


    1. SIMÃO, Adenilso ; MALDONADO, José Carlos ; da Silva Bigonha, Roberto. A transformational language for mutant description. Computer Languages, Systems & Structures, Volume 35, pages 322-339, 2009.

    International Conference

    1. Vladimir Oliveira Di Iorio, Leonardo V. dos Santos Reis, Roberto da Silva Bigonha, Mariza A. S. Bigonha, A Proposal for Extensible AspectJ. Proceedings do 4th Workshop on Domain-Specific Aspect Languages, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA: ACM, pages 21-24, 2009.

    National Conferences

    1. Kecia A. M. Ferreira, Mariza A. S. Bigonha, Roberto da Silva Bigonha, Luiz Felipe O. Mendes and Heitor C. Almeida, Valores Referência para Métricas de Software Orientado por Objeto (in Portuguese). Proceedings of the Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, pages 62-72, Fortaleza, 2009.

    2. Mariza A. S. Bigonha, Fabricio Rastello, Fernando M. Quintão Pereira and Roberto S. Bigonha. A Coalessing Algorithm for Aliased Registers COLIBRI - COLóquio in Informatic: BRasil/INRIA, Bento Gonçalves -RS, 5 pages, 2009.

    3. Leonardo V. dos Santos Reis, Roberto S. Bigonha, Mariza A. S. Bigonha, Vladimir O Di Iorio and Rodolfo C. Ladeira. XAJ: An Extensible Aspect-Oriented Language. In: Proceedings of the III Latin American Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Software Development - LA-WASP-2009. Fortaleza-CE, pages 57-62, 2009.

    4. Carlos Camarão, Rodrigo Ribeiro, Lucília Figueiredo and Cristiano Vasconcellos, A Solution to Haskell's Multi-paramemeter Type Class Dilemma. SBLP'2009 13th Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages, Gramado, August 19-21, pages 5-18, 2009.


    1. Kecia Aline Marques Ferreira, Mariza Andrade da Silva Bigonha, Roberto da Silva Bigonha, Heitor Almeida and Luiz Felipe Mendes, had the article "Valores Referência para Métricas de Software Orientado por Objetos" (in Portuguese) ranked in the 4th place in the Best Article category of the Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, at the XXIII SBES, October 7, 2009.

    Technical Report

    1. Kecia A. Ferreira; Mariza A.S. Bigonha; Roberto S. Bigonha, Predição de Esforço de Manutenção , Technical Report LLP001/2009, LLP, DCC-ICEx-UFMG, 2009.

    2. Heitor Corrêa de Almeida and Mariza A.S. Bigonha (IC Advisor). Reestruturação de Connecta e Implementação, Experimentos e Análise da Métrica Coesão de Interesses (in Portuguese). Projeto FAPEMIG - 2007-2009, Connecta - Conectividade em Módulos. Final Report of Scientific Initiation, published as internal Technical Report of Programming Language Laboratory (LLP) DCC/ICEx/UFMG, 44 pages, 2009.

    3. Heitor Corrêa de Almeida and Mariza A.S. Bigonha (POC 1 Advisor). Implementação e Análise Comparativa de Duas Métricas de Coesão em Software Orientado por Objetos (in Portuguese). Final POC I Report, published as Internal Technical Report of Programming Language Laboratory (LLP) DCC/ICEx/UFMG, 35 pages, June, 2009.

    4. Luiz Felipe de Oliveira Mendes and Mariza A.S. Bigonha (POC I Advisor). Implementação de Métricas para Estimativa de Tempo de Manutenção em Sistemas Orientados por Objetos (in Portuguese). Final POC I Report, published as Internal Technical Report of Programming Language Laboratory (LLP) DCC/ICEx/UFMG, 37 pages, June, 2009.

    5. Luiz Felipe de Oliveira Mendes and Mariza A.S. Bigonha (POC II Advisor). Implementação em CONNECTA de Métricas para Estimativa de Amplitude da Propagação de Modificações Contratuais em Sistemas Orientados por Objetos (in Portuguese). Final POC II Report, published as Internal Technical Report of Programming Language Laboratory (LLP) DCC/ICEx/UFMG, 42 pages, December, 2009.

    Anais COLIBRI

    1. Nelson Maculan (UFRJ) and Malik Ghallab (INRIA) (Organizers). Annales del Colloque d'Informatique: Brésil/INRIA Coopérations, AVancées et Défis (COLIBRI 2009). Brazilian Computer Society - SBC (Editors). Bento Gonçalves, RS, Brasil, 241 pages. July, 2009.


    Master Thesis Proposal

    1. Leonardo Vieira dos Santos Reis, Roberto da Silva Bigonha (Advisor). Uma Linguagem Extensível para Geração de Linguagens de Domínio Específico Orientadas a Aspectos (in Portuguese). Thesis proposal presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining the degree of Master in Computer Science. 15 pages, October, 2008.


    1. CABRAL, M. I. C. ; NUNES, D. ; BIGONHA, Roberto S. ; COSTA, T. ; Wagner, Flávio R. ; OLIVEIRA, J. M. A Trajetória dos Cursos de Graduação da Área de Computação e Informática. 1a. Ed. Porto Alegre: SBC, Volume 1, 135 pages, 2008.


    1. Leonardo T. Passos, Mariza A. S. Bigonha and Roberto S. Bigonha, An LALR Parser Generator Supporting Conflict Resolution, Journal of Universal Computer Science (Online), JUCS, Volume 14, pages 3447-3464. also published in the Proceedings of the XII SBLP 2008, pages 33-46, 2008.

    2. Kecia A. M. Ferreira, Mariza A. S. Bigonha and Roberto S. Bigonha, Reestruturação de Software Dirigido por Conectividade para Redução de Custo de Manutenção, (in Portuguese). Revista de Informática Teórica e Aplicada. Volume XV, pages 155-179, 2008.

    3. PINHEIRO, D. P.; MAIA, M. A.; PRATES, R. O. and BIGONHA, Roberto S.. Assessing Program Comprehension Tools with the Communicability Evaluation Method. INFOCOMP (UFLA), Volume 7, pages 31-40, 2008. This article was also published in the In: V Modern Software Maintenance Workshop (WMSWM), held in SBQS'08, 2008.

    4. TIRELO, F.; BIGONHA, R. S. and SARAIVA, J., Disentangling Denotational Semantics Definitions. Journal of Universal Computer Science (Online), Volume 14, pages 3592-3607, 2008.

    National Conferences

    1. Leonardo T. Passos, Mariza A. S. Bigonha and Roberto S. Bigonha, 40 Slides of the paper "An LALR Parser Generator Supporting Conflict Resolution" published in the proceedings of SBLP'08, pages 33-46. This article was also published in the Journal of Universal Computer Science (Online), JUCS, Volume 14, pages 3447-3464, 2008.

    2. PINHEIRO, D. P.; MAIA, M. A.; PRATES, R. O. and BIGONHA, R. S., Assessing Program Comprehension Tools with the Communicability Evaluation Method. In: V Modern Software Maintenance Workshop (WMSWM), held in SBQS'08, Porto Alegre, RS: SBC. pages 1-9, 2008.

    3. TIRELO, F.; BIGONHA, R. S. and SARAIVA, J. A. B., Disentangling Denotational Semantics Definitions. In: Proceeding of the XII Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages. Fortaleza CE, Volume 1, pages 143-156, 2008.

    4. Terra, Ricardo and BIGONHA, R. S., Ferramentas Para Análise Estática de Códigos Java, (in Portuguese). In: III Brazilian Meeting of Software Testing (EBTS), Recife, PE. Volume 1, pages 1-5, 2008.

    5. BRAGA, T. H.; MAIA, M. A. and BIGONHA, R. S., Recovering and Checking Software Architecture Properties Based on Execution Tree Analysis. In: Brazilian Symposium on Software Components, Architectures and Reuse, 2008, Porto Alegre, RS., volume 1, pages 10-22, 2008.

    Research Projects

    1. Roberto da silva Bigonha and Mariza A. S. Bigonha. LLP Research Projects 2008 and 2009 (in Portuguese). Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), 19 pages, February 26, 2008.

    Technical Report

    1. Roberto da Silva Bigonha; Fábio Tirelo; Vladimir Oliveira Di Iorio; Mariza A. S. Bigonha, The Language of Formal Specification Machina , Technical Report of DCC, 139 pages, September, 2008.

    2. Rodrigo Alves Keller, Mariza A. S. Bigonha (POC Advisor); Estudo comparativo entre Java e Ruby considerando desenvolvimento de aplicações Web, (in Portuguese). Final report of POC I, published as Technical Report of LLP/DCC/UFMG, 20 pages, June, 2008.

    3. Letícia Decker de Sousa and Mariza A. S. Bigonha (POC Advisor), Biblioteca para Tipos Abstratos de Dados em Machina, (in Portuguese). Final report of POC, published as Technical Report of DCC, 85 pages. Slides (45), July 26th, 2008.

    4. Felipe Silva Loredo, Roberto da Silva Bigonha (IC Advisor). Implementação de Semântica Vaga em Notus, (in Portuguese). Projeto Financiado pela FAPEMIG Processo CEX-1484/06. Technical Report of LLP/DCC/UFMG, 59 pages, December, 2008.

    5. Felipe Silva Loredo, Roberto da Silva Bigonha (POC Advisor) ; Metodologia para Adição de Plug-in ao Ambiente Eclipse, (in Portuguese). IC Technical Report of LLP/DCC/UFMG, 72 pages, December, 2008.

    6. Mirlaine Aparecida Crepalde, Roberto da Silva Bigonha (POC Advisor). Semântica Multidimensional de Java, (in Portuguese). (POC) Technical Report LLP01/2008, DCC/UFMG, 115 pages, December, 2008.

    7. Mirlaine Aparecida Crepalde, Roberto da Silva Bigonha (POC Advisor). Fábio Tirelo and Tays Cristina do Amaral P. S. Manual do Usuário de Notus, (in Portuguese). Projeto desenvolvido com apoio da FAPEMIG Processo CEX-1484/06. Technical Report LLP02/2008, DCC/UFMG, 59 pages, 2008.


    1. Felipe Silva Loredo, Roberto da Silva Bigonha (Advisor). Implementação de Semântica Vaga em Notus, (in Portuguese). Projeto Financiado pela FAPEMIG Processo CEX-1484/06. LLP/DCC/UFMG, 2 pages, December, 2008.


    Master Thesis

    1. Eduardo Santos Cordeiro, Roberto S. Bigonha (Advisor) and Mariza A. S. Bigonha (Co-Advisor). Otimizações na Compilação de Adendos de Contorno em Programas Orientados por Aspectos, (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 162 pages, February 6, 2007.

    2. Ítalo Giovani Abdanur Stefani, Roberto S. Bigonha (Advisor). Método de Refinamento Machina, (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 162 pages, March 13, 2007.

    3. Tays Cristina do Amaral Pales Soares, Roberto S. Bigonha (Advisor) and Mariza A. S. Bigonha (Co-Advisor). Compilação de Semântica Denotacional Modular (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 302 pages, April 13, 2007.

    4. Wagner Salazar Pires, Roberto S. Bigonha (Advisor), Uma Linguagem de Especificação Formal Orientada por Aspectos, (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 215 pages, June 29, 2007.

    5. Leonardo T. Passos, Mariza A. S. Bigonha (Advisor) and Roberto S. Bigonha (Co-Advisor). Gerador LALR com Suporte a Resolução de Conflitos, (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 235 pages, (in Portuguese) September 4, 2007.

    6. André Bigonha Toledo, Roberto S. Bigonha (Advisor). Proteus: Um arcabouço para o particionamento de aplicações orientadas por objetos no ambiente da Computação Pervasiva, (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 138 pages, (in Portuguese) September 4, 2007.

    7. Rodrigo Geraldo Ribeiro, Carlos Camarão de Figueiredo (Advisor) and Lucília Camarão de Figueiredo (Co-Advisor). Programação Genérica usando o Sistema CT, (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 154 pages, (in Portuguese) December, 2007.


    1. Leonardo T. Passos, Mariza A. S. Bigonha and Roberto S. Bigonha, A Methodology for Removing LALR(1) Conflicts, Journal of Universal Computer Science (Online), JUCS, Volume 13, pages 753-766, 2007. Paper also published in the Proceedings of the XI SBLP, pages 47-60, 2007.

    2. Eduardo S. Cordeiro, Roberto S. Bigonha, Mariza A. S. Bigonha and Fábio Tirelo. Optimized Compilation of Around Advice for Aspect Oriented Programs, Journal of Universal Computer Science Online, V.13, pages 737-7752, 2007. Paper also published in the Proceedings of the XI SBLP, pages 61-74. Natal,RN.

    3. Carlos Camarão, Cristiano Vasconcellos, Lucília Figueiredo and João Nicola, Open and Closed Worlds for Overloading: a definition and support for coexistence, Journal of Universal Computer Science 13(6), 854-873, 2007. Paper also published in the Proceedings of the XI SBLP, pages 165-179, 2007.

    4. Roberto S. Bigonha and Martin A. Musicante. Selected Papers from SBLP 2007: The 11th Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages J.UCS Special Issue , Journal of Universal Computer Science Online, V.13, pages 679-681, 2007.

    National Conference

    1. PINHEIRO, D. P.; RIBEIRO, R. G.; OLIVEIRA, Ademir A.; MAIA, M. A. and BIGONHA, Roberto da Silva, Compreensão de Programas Apoiada por Uma Linguagem de Consulta em Código Fonte, (in Portuguese). In: V Modern Software Maintenance Workshop (WMSWM), Porto de Galinhas PE, 16 pages, 2007.

    2. Leonardo T. Passos, Mariza A. S. Bigonha and Roberto S. Bigonha, A Methodology for Removing LALR(1) Conflicts. In: Proceedings of the XI Programming Language Symposium (SBLP'07), Natal RN, pages 47-60, 2007.

    3. Eduardo S. Cordeiro, Roberto S. Bigonha, Mariza A. S. Bigonha and Fábio Tirelo. Optimized Compilation of Around Advice for Aspect Oriented Programs. In: Proceedings of the XI Programming Language Symposium (SBLP'07), Natal RN, pages 61-74. 2007.

    4. Carlos Camarão, Cristiano Vasconcellos, Lucília Figueiredo, João Nicola, Open and Closed Worlds for Overloading: a definition and support for coexistence, In: Proceedings of the XI Programming Language Symposium (SBLP'07), Natal RN, pages 165-178, 2007.

    Foreword PC Chair SBLP

    1. Roberto S. Bigonha and Martin A. Musicante. Foreword SBLP 2007 - 11th Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages. 2 pages, 2007.

    Anais of SBLP

    1. Roberto S. Bigonha and Martin A. Musicante. Anais of SBLP 2007. In: 11th Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages. Natal RN, 242 pages, May 23-27, 2007.

    Technical Book Revision

    1. Mariza A. S. Bigonha. Technical Book Revision. Compilers - Principles, Techniques, & Tools Second Edition, PEARSON Addison Wesley, 1015 pages, 2007.

    Technical Report

    1. Wagner S. Pires, Roberto da Silva Bigonha, Especificação Formal Orientada por Aspectos , Technical Report of DCC, (in Portuguese) 16 pages, 2007.

    2. Fábio Tirelo, Roberto da Silva Bigonha ; The Solution to the Scalability Problem of Denotational Semantics , Technical Report of LLP/DCC/UFMG, 14 pages, 2007.


    1. Wagner Salazar Pires, Roberto S. Bigonha (Advisor), Uma Linguagem de Especificação Formal Orientada por Aspectos , PPGCC - Program of Graduate Degree in Computer Science from the Institute of Exact Sciences at the University Federal of Minas Gerais - Department of Computer Science, 1 page (in Portuguese) June, 2007.


    Master Thesis

    1. Mário Celso Candian Lobato, Roberto S. Bigonha (Advisor), Mariza A. S. Bigonha (Co-Advisor) , Um Arcabouço Para Compilação de de Linguagens de Especificação ASM, (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science. 138 pages, March 23, 2006.

    2. Kristian Magnani dos Santos, Mariza A. S. Bigonha (Adivisor), Roberto S. Bigonha (Co-Advisor), Um Arcabouço Para Otimizações em Máquinas de Estado Abstratas, (in Portuguese), 332 pages. Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science. March 23, 2006.

    3. César Francisco de Moura Couto, Roberto S. Bigonha (Advisor), Marco Túlio de Oliveira Valente (Co-Advisor). Um Arcabouço Orientado por Aspectos Para Implementação de Automatizada de Persistência (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 109 pages, June, 2006.

    4. Kecia Aline Marques Ferreira, Mariza Bigonha (Advisor) , Roberto S. Bigonha (Co-Advisor). Avaliação de Conectividade em Sistemas Orientados por Objetos, (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science. 153 pages, June 23, 2006.

    Ph.D. Dissertation Proposal

    1. Kecia Aline Marques Ferreira, Mariza A. S. Bigonha (Advisor) and Roberto da Silva Bigonha (Co-Advisor). Predição de Esforço de Manutenção de Software Orientado por Objeto baseada em Conectividade (in Portuguese). Work plan for the doctorate presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining the degree of Doctor in Computer Science. 13 pages. October, 2006.

    Master Thesis Proposal

    1. Tays Cristina do Amaral Pales Soares, Roberto S. Bigonha (Advisor), Implementação de Semântica Denotacional Modular baseada em Aspectos (in Portuguese). Thesis proposal presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 34 pages, January 13, 2006.

    2. Eduardo Santos Cordeiro, Roberto S. Bigonha (Advisor). União de Pontos de Junção em Linguagens Orientadas por Aspectos, (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 33 pages, January 13, 2006.

    3. Leonardo Teixeira Passos, Mariza A. S. Bigonha (Advisor) and Roberto S. Bigonha (Co-Advisor). Ferramenta Visual para Desenvolvimento de Analisadores Sintáticos em um Ambiente de Múltiplos Geradores (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 32 pages, February 20, 2006.

    International Conference

    1. Kristian Magnani, Mariza A. S. Bigonha and Roberto S. Bigonha. A Framework for Optimizations in Abstract State Machines, Proceedings of CLEI'2006, Latin America Conference on Informatics, pages 1-12, Santiago, Chile 2006.

    National Conference

    1. Mário C. C. Lobato, Roberto da Silva Bigonha and Mariza A. S. Bigonha. Um Arcabouço de Compilação Orientado por Aspectos, (in Portuguese). In: Proceedings of the 10th Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages (SBLP'2006), Itatiaia, pages 189-202, May 15-17, 2006.

    Foreword PC Chair SBLP

    1. Mariza A. S. Bigonha. Foreword SBLP 2006. 10th Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages, Itatiaia, Rio de Janeiro, May 15-17, 2006.


    1. Mariza A. S. Bigonha and Alex de Vasconcellos Garcia (IME). SBLP 2006 Program, 10th Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages, Itatiaia, Rio de Janeiro, May 15-17, 2006.


    1. Mariza A. S. Bigonha and Alex de Vasconcellos Garcia (IME). Selected Papers from SBLP 2006 - J.UCS Special Issue , 10th Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages , Itatiaia, Rio de Janeiro, May 15-17, 2006.

    Invited Talk

    1. Roberto S. Bigonha. The Scalability Problem of Denotational Semantics In: 10th Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages, Itatiaia, Rio de Janeiro, 1 page, May 15, 2006.

    Technical Report

    1. Mariza A. S. Bigonha, Roberto S. Bigonha, A Powerful LR Error Recovery Mechanism in the Compiler Implementation System Environment , Technical Report of LLP/DCC/UFMG, 12 pages, 2006.

    2. Roberto S. Bigonha, Mariza A. S. Bigonha, A Method for Eficient Compactation of LALR Parsing Tables , Technical Report of LLP/DCC/UFMG, 14 pages, 2006.

    3. Marcos Gonçalves Rios and Roberto S. Bigonha, Assegurando a Consistência da Documentação de Software por Meio do Uso de Assinatura Digital. (in Portuguese) Technical Report of LLP/DCC/UFMG, 11 pages, 2006.

    4. Roberto S. Bigonha, Fábio Tirelo, Vladimir O. Di Iorio, Mariza A. S. Bigonha and Mário Celso Candian Lobato A Linguagem de Especificação Formal Machina 2.0, Technical Report of LLP/DCC/UFMG, (in Portuguese) 92 pages, 2006.

    5. Letícia Decker de Sousa, Roberto S. Bigonha (Advisor) , Tipos Abstratos de Dados em Machina , (Monografia final POC) Technical Report of LLP/DCC/UFMG, (in Portuguese) 105 pages, 2006.

    6. Diego Bigliani Solamito, Mariza A. S. Bigonha (Advisor) and Guilherme Salles (Co-Advisor). Gerador de Mapas de Site para Sistemas Web (in Portuguese). Final technical report of POC II, published as a Technical Report of LLP/DCC/UFMG, 28 pages, 2006.


    Published Book

    1. BIGONHA, Roberto S.; FERNANDES, A. O. and Coelho, C. J. Lei de Informática e Propriedade Intelectual. In: Amintas Neto; Rogério Panigassi. (Organizers) Intellectual Property: The Path to Development. São Paulo, SP: Brazilian Book Chamber, Volume 1, pages 13-26, 2005.


    1. Vladimir O. Di Iorio, Roberto S. Bigonha, Mariza A. S. Bigonha, Alcione Oliveira, Eliseu C. Miguel, What's the name of the game? Formal specification of Artificial Intelligence Games. Versão estendida do artigo publicado no SBMF. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Elsevier B. V., V.130, pages 129-150, 2005.

    International Conference

    1. Kristian Magnani,Mariza A. S. Bigonha e Roberto S. Bigonha, Fabíola F. Oliveira and Vladimir O. Di Iorio. An Infrastructure for Implementing Compilers for Concurrent Abstract State Machine Languages. Proceedings of XXXI Latin American Informatics Conference, Cali - Colombia, pages 881-891, 2005.

    National Conference

    1. César F. M. Couto, Marco Túlio O. Valente and Roberto S. Bigonha Um Arcabouço Orientado por Aspectos para Implementação Automatizada de Persistência (In Portuguese). In Anais of the II Brazilian Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Software Development, Uberlândia, MG, pages 27-34, 2005.

    2. Ademir A. Oliveira, Dênis P. Pinheiro, R. G. Ribeiro, T.H. Braga, Marcelo A. Maia and Roberto S. Bigonha. Iteradores, Templates e Consultas na Análise e Manipulação de Programas (In Portuguese). Anais of the II Workshop on Modern Software Maintenance, Manaus, Amazônia, V. 1, pages 50-65, 2005.

    Technical Report

    1. Kristian Magnani, Mariza A. S. Bigonha (Advisor), Roberto S. Bigonha (Co-Advisor) and Vladimir O. Di Iorio. The MIR Architecture: An Infrastructure for Implementing Compilers for Concurrent Abstract State Machine Languages. Technical Report of LLP/DCC/UFMG, 13 pages, 2005.

    2. Kristian Magnani, Mariza A. S. Bigonha (Advisor) and Roberto S. Bigonha (Co-Advisor). MIR: Árvore das regras de transição (in Portuguese). Technical Report of LLP/DCC/UFMG, 48 pages, 2005.

    3. André França Braga and Mariza A. S. Bigonha (POC Advisor). Uma plataforma de tradução binária estática de programas desenvolvidos em uma arquitetura de processador de origem diferente da arquitetura de destino. Oriented Project Proposal (POC 1) (in Portuguese). Technical Report of LLP/DCC/UFMG, 5 pages, August, 2005.

    4. Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo and Mariza A. S. Bigonha (POC Advisor). Uma biblioteca de analisadores sintáticos. Oriented Project Proposal (POC 1), (in Portuguese). Technical Report of LLP/DCC/UFMG, 4 pages, July 18, 2005.

    5. Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo and Mariza A. S. Bigonha (POC Advisor). Uma biblioteca de analisadores sintáticos. Final report of POC 1, (in Portuguese), published as Technical Report of LLP/DCC/UFMG, 6 pages, December 2, 2005.

    6. Daniel Couto Vale, Mariza A. S. Bigonha (POC Advisor) and Marcello Peixoto Bax (Co-Advisor). Interpretador Automático para Textos Escritos em Linguagem Informal. Final report of POCI, (in Portuguese), published as Technical Report of LLP/DCC/UFMG, 37 pages, 2005.

    7. Daniel Couto Vale and Mariza A. S. Bigonha (POC Advisor). Processamento de Linguagem Natural - Corretor Semântico de Contradições Temporais para Frases em Português. Final report of POC, (in Portuguese), published as Technical Report of LLP/DCC/UFMG, 23 pages. Slides (14), December, 2005.

    8. Roberto da Silva Bigonha. Projeto de Criação do Instituto de Computação da UFMG (in Portuguese). Aprovado pela Câmara do Departamento de Ciência da Computação em 25/02/2005. Technical Report of LLP/DCC/UFMG, 21 pages, February 23, 2005.


    Ph.D. Dissertation

    1. Cristiano Damiani Vasconcelos, Carlos Camarão de Figueiredo (Advisor), Lucília Camarão de Figueiredo (Co-Advisor). Inferência de tipos com suporte para sobrecarga baseada no sistema CT (in Portuguese). Dissertation presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science from the Institute of Exact Sciences at the University Federal of Minas Gerais - Department of Computer Science, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in Computer Science. 86 pages, October 1st, 2004.

    Master Thesis

    1. Luciana Leal Ambrósio, Mariza A. S. Bigonha (Advisor) and Roberto S. Bigonha (Co-Advisor). Análise da Alocação Global de Registradores Baseada em Crescimento de Domínios Ativos e Combinação de Registradores (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 92 pages, (in Portuguese). Slides (49), May 24, 2004.

    2. Ademir de Alvarenga Oliveira, Roberto S. Bigonha (Advisor) and Marcelo de Almeida Maia (Co-Advisor). MetaJ: Um Ambiente para Meta-Programação em Java (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 174 pages, October, 2004.

    3. Eliseu César Miguel, Vladimir Oliveira Di Iorio (Advisor) and Roberto S. Bigonha (Co-Advisor) Especificação Formal de Jogos de Inteligência Artificial (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 118 pages, October 8, 2004.

    Book Chapter

    1. Fábio Tirelo, Roberto Bigonha, Mariza Bigonha, Marco Túlio O. Valente, Desenvolvimento de Software Orientado por Aspectos. JAI, XXIII Jornada de Atualizações em Informática, SBC, Salvador, pages 56-96, Tutorial Slides (189), 2004.


    1. Fernando Pereira, Marco Tulio Valente, Roberto Bigonha and Mariza Bigonha. Arcademis: A Framework for Object Oriented Communication Middleware Development. Software - Practice and Experience, Vol. 36, Issue 5, pages 495-512, 2004.

    2. Fernando Pereira, Marco Tulio Valente, Wagner Pires, Roberto Bigonha and Mariza Bigonha. Tactics for Remote Method Invocation. . In Journal of Universal Computer Science, Volume 10, Issue 7, pages 824-842, 2004.

    3. OLIVEIRA, Ademir A.; BRAGA, T. H.; MAIA, M. A.; BIGONHA, R. S.. MetaJ: An Extensible Environment for Metaprogramming in Java. Journal of Universal Computer Science (Online) , http://www.jucs.org, V. 10, N.7, pages 872-891, 2004.

    International Conference

    1. Carlos Camarão, Lucília Figueiredo, Cristiano Vasconcellos, Constraint-set satisfiability for Overloading. In: ACM Press Conf. Proceedings of PPDP'04 , pages 67-77, 2004.

    National Conferences

    1. OLIVEIRA, Ademir A.; BRAGA, T. H.; MAIA, M. A. and BIGONHA, R. S., MetaJ: An Extensible Environment for Metaprogramming in Java. In: VIII Brazilian Symposium on Programming Language, Niterói, RJ, Brazil, pages 46-60, May 26-28, 2004.

    2. Fernando Pereira, Marco Tulio Valente, Wagner Pires, Roberto Bigonha and Mariza Bigonha. Tactics for Remote Method Invocation. Proceedings of the VIII Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages, Niterói RJ, pages 102-115, May 26-28, 2004.

    3. Luciana L. Ambrosio, Mariza A. S. Bigonha and Roberto S. Bigonha. Alocação de Registradores Baseada em Crescimento de Domínios Ativos e Combinação de Registradores (in Portuguese). Proceedings of the VIII Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages, Niterói RJ, pages 157-171, May 26-28, 2004.

    4. Fabíola F. Oliveira, Roberto S. Bigonha, Mariza A.S. Bigonha, Otimização de Código em Ambiente de Semântica Formal Executável Baseado em ASM (in Portuguese). In: VIII Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages, Niteroi-RJ, pages 172-185, May 26-28, 2004.

    5. LIBORIO, S. R.; BIGONHA, R. S.. Compilador Reflexivo Para Adaptações de Programas a Configurações de Recursos Limitados (in Portuguese). In: VIII Brazilian Symposium on Programming Language, Niterói, RJ, Brazil. Pages 242-256, May 26-28, 2004.

    6. Vladimir O. Di Iorio, Roberto S. Bigonha, Mariza A. S. Bigonha, Eliseu C. Miguel, Alcove P. Oliveira What's the name of the game? Formal Specification of Artificial Intelligence Games. In: Proceedings of the Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods. São Paulo: SBC, pages 92-107, 2004.

    7. Fernando M. Q. Pereira, Marco Túlio O. Valente, Roberto S. Bigonha, Mariza A. S. Bigonha, Arcademis: A Java-Based Framework for Middleware Development. In: Proceedings of the XXII Brazilian Symposium on Computer Network. IEEE, Gramado-RS, pages 539-552, 2004.

    Scientific Initiation Projects

    1. Mariza A. S. Bigonha (Coordinator), Roberto S. Bigonha, Fabíola Fonseca and Kristian Magnani. Visual Klar - Um Ambiente Integrado para Depuração Simbólica de Código Intermediário Machina. Technical Report of LLP/DCC/UFMG, 9 pages, November 26, 2004.

    2. Roberto S. Bigonha. Tipos Abstratos de Dados em Ambiente Baseado em Máquina de Estados Abstratas. Technical Report of LLP/DCC/UFMG, 9 pages, November 26, 2004.

    Technical Reports

    1. Alexander Thiago de Assis Oliveira Carvalho and Mariza A. S. Bigonha (POC Advisor). Impacto da Orientação por Objetos em Projetos de Software de Boa Qualidade (in Portuguese). Final report of POC, published as a Technical Report of LLP/DCC/UFMG, 72 pages, January, 2004.

    2. Roberto S. Bigonha. Slides Paisagem com Latex - slides.sty. In: Technical Report of LLP/DCC/UFMG, 34 pages, 2004.

    3. Roberto S. Bigonha. Slides com Latex - slides.sty. In: Technical Report of LLP/DCC/UFMG, 111 pages, 2004.

    4. André Goddard Rosa and Mariza A. S. Bigonha (POC Advisor). Software Básico para Acesso a um Dispositivo PCI em Sistema Operacional de Tempo Real e Sistema Mostrador de Tempo na Rede. POC Final Report, (in Portuguese), published as Technical Report of Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), DCC/ICEx/UFMG, 48 pages, July 13, 2004.

    5. Lidiane Vogel Sander and Mariza A. S. Bigonha (POC Advisor). Recuperação de Padrões em Arquivos PostScript para um Sistema de Bibliotecas Digitais. POC Final Report, (in Portuguese), published as Technical Report of Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), DCC/ICEx/UFMG, 25 pages, January 28, 2004. Slides (20), 2004.

    6. Luciana Leal Ambrósio and Mariza A. S. Bigonha. Global Register Allocation Based on Live Range Growth and Register Coalesce. Internal Technical Report of Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), DCC/ICEx/UFMG, 14 pages, 2004.


    Masters Thesis

    1. Fernando Magno Quintão Pereira, Roberto S. Bigonha (Advisor), Fábio Tirelo (Co-Advisor). Arcademis: Um Arcabouço para Construção de Sistemas de Objetos Distribuídos em Java (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 141 pages, (in Portuguese) December, 2003.
      Registered in the Repository of Theses and Dissertations at UFMG on February 4, 2004.

    2. Wendell Figueiredo Teixeira, Mariza A. S. Bigonha(Advisor) and Marco Túlio O. Valente (Co-Advisor). Chamada Assíncrona de Métodos Remotos em Java (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 94 pages, July 31, 2003.


    1. Carlos Camarão and Lucília Figueiredo, Programação de Computadores em Java LTC, 2003. Book in Portuguese.


    1. Fernando Pereira, Marco Túlio O. Valente, Roberto S. Bigonha and Mariza A. S. Bigonha, Chamada Remota de Métodos na Plataforma J2ME/CLDC, Periodic Scientific Magazine - Telecommunications, Volume 07, No. 1, ISSN 1516-2338, Santa Rita do Sapucaí, pages 21-31. This article was also published in the Proceedings of the Wireless Communication and Mobile Computing Workshop, ranked among the top five papers at the event, 2003.


    1. Wendell F. Taveira, Marco Túlio O. Valente, Mariza A. S. Bigonha, Roberto S. Bigonha, Asynchronous Remote Method Invocation in Java, Journal of Universal Computer Science (Online). V.9, pages 761-775, 2003.

    2. Cristiano Vasoncellos, Carlos Camarão and Lucília Figueiredo, Revised version of Practical Type Inference for Polymorphic Recursion: an Implementation in Haskell. in Journal of Universal Computer Science, 9(8), pages 973-990, 2003.

    3. Carlos Camarão, Lucília Figueiredo and Hermann Rodrigues, Mímico: A Monadic Combinator Parser Generator. Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, 9(1), pages 27-40, 2003.

    International Conference

    1. Vladimir O. Di Iorio, Alcione P. Oliveira, Eliseu C. Miguel, Roberto S. Bigonha, Mariza A. S. Bigonha, Utilização de Máquinas de Estado Abstratas em Aplicações de Inteligência Artificial e Jogos, (in Portuguese). Proceedings of the XXIX Latin American Informatics Conference, pages 1-15, 2003.

    2. Marco Tulio Valente, Fernando Pereira, Roberto Bigonha and Mariza Bigonha. A Coordination Model for Ad Hoc Mobile Systems. In 9th European Conference on Parallel Processing (Europar), Klagenfurt. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) Springer-Verlag. V.2790. pages 1074-1081. Revised version from IV Wireless Communication and Mobile Computing Workshop (WCSF2002), pages 58-67, 2003.

    National Conferences

    1. Wendell F. Taveira, Marco T. O. Valente, Mariza Bigonha and Roberto Bigonha, Chamada Assíncrona de Métodos Remotos em Java, (in Portuguese). In: VII Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages. Ouro Preto-MG. pages 78-91, May 28-30, 2003.

    2. Cristiano Vasconcellos, Carlos Camarão, Lucília Figueiredo, Practical Type Inference for Polymorphic Recursion: an Implementation in Haskell. In: 7th Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages (SBLP'2003), Ouro Preto, pages 166-179, May 28-30, 2003.

    Technical Reports

    1. Fernando Magno Quintão Pereira, Marco Túlio de Oliveria Valente and Roberto da Silva Bigonha A Three Layer view of Arcademis, Technical Report LLP 003/2003, Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), DCC/UFMG, 22 pages, 2003.

    2. Fernando Magno Quintão Pereira, Marco Túlio de Oliveira Valente, Roberto da Silva Bigonha and Mariza Andrade da Silva Bigonha Arcademis: a Java-Based Framework for Middleware Development, Technical Report LLP 002/2003, Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), DCC/UFMG,16 pages, 2003.

    3. Lidiane Vogel Sander and Mariza A. S. Bigonha (POC Advisor). Recuperação de Padrões em Arquivos PostScript para um Sistema de Bibliotecas Digitais. POC I Final Report, (in Portuguese), published as Technical Report of Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), DCC/ICEx/UFMG, 18 pages. Slides (15), 2003.

    4. Alexander Thiago de Assis Oliveira Carvalho and Mariza A. S. Bigonha (POC Advisor). Impacto da Orientação por Objetos no Projeto de Software de Boa Qualidade. POC I Final Report, (in Portuguese), published as Technical Report of Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), DCC/ICEx/UFMG, 30 pages, August, 2003.

    5. Alexander Thiago de Assis Oliveira Carvalho and Mariza A. S. Bigonha (POC Advisor). Impacto da Orientação por Objetos no Projeto de Software de Boa Qualidade. POC II Final Report, (in Portuguese), published as Technical Report of Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), DCC/ICEx/UFMG, 71 pages in January, 2004. Slides (20), presented in January 31, 2004.

    6. Mariza Andrade da Silva Bigonha, Roberto da Silva Bigonha, AbdelAli Ed-Dbali, Flávia Peligrinelli Ribeiro, Pierre Deransart and José de Siqueira . HyperPro: Um Ambiente para Programação em Lógica no Estilo Literário (in Portuguese). Technical Report LLP, Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), DCC/UFMG,19 pages, 2003.


    Ph.D. Dissertation

    1. Marco Túlio de Oliveira Valente, Roberto S. Bigonha (Advisor). Mobilidade e Coordenação de Aplicações em Redes sem Fio (in Portuguese). Dissertation presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science from the Institute of Exact Sciences at the University Federal of Minas Gerais - Department of Computer Science, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in Computer Science, 115 pages, April, 2002.


    1. Lucília Figueiredo, Carlos Camarão A View on Abstract and Extensible Types Revista Colombiana de Computación, 3(1), pages: 21-40, 2002.

    International Conferences

    1. Fernando Pereira, Marco Tulio Valente, Roberto Bigonha and Mariza Bigonha. A Java-based Simulator for Ad Hoc Mobile Distributed Systems. In 2nd International Workshop on Scientific Engineering of Distributed Java Applications (FIDJI), Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences Series, pages 227-236, 2002.

    National Conferences

    1. Marco Tulio Valente; Roberto da Silva Bigonha; Mariza Andrade da Silva Bigonha and Fernando Magno Quintão Pereira. A Coordination Model for Ad Hoc Mobile Systems and its Formal Semantics. Proceedings of the IV Workshop on Wireless Communication and Mobile Computing (WCSF), pages 58-67, 2002.

    2. Fernando M. Q. Pereira, Marco Túlio O. Valente, Roberto S. Bigonha, Mariza A. S. Bigonha, Uma Linguagem para Coordenação de Aplicações em Redes Moveis Ad-Hoc, (in Portuguese). In: Proceedings of the VI Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages. Rio de Janeiro, PUC-RIO, pages 152-165, June 5-7, 2002.

    3. SIMÃO, Adenilso ; MALDONADO, José Carlos ; BIGONHA, R. S. . Using Denotational Semantics in the Validation of the Compiler for a Mutation-Oriented Language. In: 5th Worshop on Formal Methods, 2002, Gramado, RS. Proceedings of the 5th WMF, pages 4-19, 2002.

    Technical Reports

    1. Regina Helena B. Cabral and Mariza A. S. Bigonha. Reforma Curricular do Bacharelado em Ciência da Computação, (in Portuguese). Final report of the work developed during the 2000-2002 management, DCC/ICEx/UFMG, 112 pages, December 16, 2002.

    2. Henrique Velloso Ferreira Melo and Mariza A. S. Bigonha (POC Advisor). Implementação de um Web Service para Busca de Cotações na Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo, (in Portuguese). Technical Report of the Programming Language Laboratory (LLP) DCC/ICEx/UFMG, 15 pages, 2002.

    3. Fernando Magno Quintão Pereira Uma Comparação entre Formalismos Utilizados para Especificações Semânticas, (in Portuguese). Technical Report LLP 001/2002, \ Programming Languages Laboratory (LLP), UFMG, 9 pages, 2002.

    4. Fernando Magno Quintão Pereira and Wendell Figueiredo Taveira A Java Based Simulator for the PeerSpaces Coordination Language. Technical Report LLP 002/2002, Programming Languages Laboratory (LLP), UFMG, 13 pages, 2002.


    Ph.D. Dissertation

    1. Vladimir Oliveira Di Iorio, Roberto S. Bigonha (Advisor). Avaliação Parcial em Máquinas de Estado Abstratas (in Portuguese). Dissertation presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science from the Institute of Exact Sciences at the University Federal of Minas Gerais - Department of Computer Science, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in Computer Science, 163 pages, March 28, 2001.

    2. Marcos Gonçalves Rios, Roberto S. Bigonha (Advisor). Documentação de Programas por Contrato (ABSTRACT), (in Portuguese). Dissertation presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science from the Institute of Exact Sciences at the University Federal of Minas Gerais - Department of Computer Science, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in Computer Science, 104 pages, May 8, 2001.

    3. Juliana Sales, Roberto S. Bigonha (Advisor), M. Cecília C. Baranaukas (Co-Advisor). O Modelo Fractal de Comunicação: Criando um Espaço de Análise para Inspeção do Processo de Design de Software. Dissertation presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science from the Institute of Exact Sciences at the University Federal of Minas Gerais - Department of Computer Science, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in Computer Science, 151 pages, May, 2001.


    1. Marco Tulio O.Valente, Roberto S. Bigonha, Mariza A. S. Bigonha. An Algorithm for Dynamic Reconfiguration of Mobile Agents, Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST), Argentina, V.1, pages 56-65, 2001.

    2. Juliana Sales, M. Cecília C. Baranaukas and Roberto S. Bigonha. Towards a communication model applied to the interface design process. In: Knowledge-Based Systems 14(2001), Elsevier, pages 455-459, 2001.

    International Conferences

    1. Marco Tulio O.Valente, Roberto S. Bigonha, Mariza A.S. Bigonha, Antonio Alfredo F. Loureiro, Supporting Disconected Operation in a Mobile Object System, Proceedings do 7th Ecoop Workshop on Mobile Object Systems: Development of Robust and High Confidence Agent Applications, 2001, Budapeste-Hungria, pages 1-12, 2001.

    2. Aabdel A. Ed-Dbali, Pierre Deransart, Mariza A. S. Bigonha, José Siqueira and Roberto S. Bigonha. HyperPro An Integrated Documentation Environment for CLP, Proceedings of the Eleventh Workshop on Logic Programming Environments, WLPE'01, Paphos, Cyprus, pages 101-111, 2001.

    3. Aabdel A. Ed-Dbali, Pierre Deransart, Mariza A. S. Bigonha, José Siqueira and Roberto S. Bigonha. HyperPro Un environment Integre de Documentation pour la PLC, (in French). Proceedings do Journees Francophones de Programmation en Logique et Programmation par Constraintes (JFPLC), pages 1-13, 2001.

    4. Lucília Figueiredo and Carlos Camarão, Principal Typing and Mutual Recursion. In: International Workshop on Functional and Logic Programming (WFLP'2001), Kiel, Germany, pages 1-14, September 13-15, 2001.

    5. Hermann O. Rodrigues and Carlos Camarão, JEDI: An Interactive Interpreter for Java. In: VII Argentine Congress on Computer Science (CACIC'2001), El Calafate, Argentine, pages 1-11, October 15-20, 2001.

    6. Pedro Ivo Alexandre de Oliveira and Carlos Camarão Adapting Web Contents to Wap Devices using Haskell. In: XXI International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC'2001), Punta Arenas, Chile, pages:1-10, November 5-9, 2001.

    National Conferences

    1. Fernando M. Q. Pereira, Roberto S. Bigonha, Vladimir Oliveira Di Iorio and Mariza A. S. Bigonha, Avaliação Parcial de Programas usando CMIX/II, (in Portuguese). Proceedings of the V Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages, 2001, Curitiba, pages 32-47, also published as a RT LLP001/2001, of the Programming Languages Laboratory (LLP), DCC-ICEx-UFMG, 2001.

    2. Fabíola Oliveira, Roberto Bigonha, Mariza Bigonha and Marco R. Costa, Compilador da Linguagem Funcional Orientada por Objetos Script para C, (in Portuguese). Proceedings of V Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages, Curitiba, pages 48-63, May 23-25, 2001.

    3. Carlos Camarão and Lucília Figueiredo, A Monadic Combinator Compiler Compiler. In: 5th Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages, Curitiba, May 23-25, pages 64-79, May 23-25, 2001.

    4. IORIO, V. O. and BIGONHA, R. S.. Extensões de Geração para Máquinas de Estado Abstratas, (in Portuguese). In: 5th Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages (SBLP'2001), Curitiba, V. I, pages 124-139, May 23-25, 2001.

    5. Marco Tulio O.Valente, Roberto S. Bigonha, Mariza A.S. Bigonha and Antonio Alfredo F. Loureiro, Mobilidade de Grupos de Objetos em um Sistema para Programação Distribuida na Internet, (in Portuguese). Proceedings of the V Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages, Curitiba, pages 221-235, May 23-25, 2001.

    6. Marco Tulio O.Valente, Roberto S. Bigonha, Antonio Alfredo F. Loureiro, Mariza A. S. Bigonha. Disconnected Operation in a Mobile Computation System, Anais do ICSE Workshop on Software Engineering and Mobility, co-located with ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engenering, Toronto, Canada, pages 1-5, 2001.

    7. BARANAUSKAS, Cecília; SALLES, J. P. and BIGONHA, R. S.. Bringing Interface Design and Software Development Processes Together: How Organizational Issues Impact Products's Usability. In: IHC 2001: IV Workshop on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Florianópolis, SC., pages 61-72, 2001.

    Short Paper

    1. SALLES, J. P.; BARANAUKAS, M. C. C. and BIGONHA, R. S.. Looking Inside: Undertanding Communication in the Organizational Context of Software Design. In: IFIP WG8.1 Working Conference on Organizational Semiotics: Evolving a Science of Information Systems, 2001, Montreal, Canada. Proceedings of the IFIP TC8/WG8.1 WCOS. Devener, The Netherlands: Luwer, B.V., V. 1, pages 301-304, 2001.


    1. Bringing Interface Design and Software Development Processes Together: How Organizational Issues Impact Product?s Usability. Best Article of IHC 2001. M. Cecília C. Baranauskas, Juliana Salles and Roberto S. Bigonha Brazilian Computer Society, 2001.

    2. Roberto S. Bigonha was awarded with the Newton Faller Prize, by Brazilian Computer Society in 2001.

    Technical Reports

    1. Fernando Magno Quintão Pereira, Roberto da Silva Bigonha , Vladimir O. Di Iorio and Mariza A. S. Bigonha, An Avaliação Parcial de Programas usando CMIX/II, (in Portuguese). Technical Report LLP 001/2001, 42 pages, also published in the Proceedings of SBLP 2001 - Curitiba PA, Programming Languages Laboratory (LLP), UFMG, 2001.

    2. Fernando Magno Quintão Pereira, Compilação de um Programa Escrito em uma Linguagem Qualquer para Haskell, (in Portuguese). Technical Report LLP 002/2001, Programming Languages Laboratory(LLP), UFMG, 20 pages, 2001.

    3. Luciana Leal Ambrósio and Mariza Bigonha (POC Advisor), Adequação das Funcionalidades de Indexação de Documentos no HyperPro Versão 1.1, (in Portuguese). POC Final report, published as Technical Report of the Laboratory of Programming Languages (LLP) DCC/UFMG, 24 pages, June 28th, 2001. Slides (13), June 28th, 2001.

    4. Lorena Coelho Vivian and Mariza Bigonha (POC I Advisor), Um Analisador Sintático para Localização de Textos em Sítios WEB, (in Portuguese). POC I Final report, published as Technical Report of the Laboratory of Programming Languages (LLP) of DCC-UFMG, 17 pages, June 18th, 2001.

    5. Gustavo Guerra Garcia and Mariza Bigonha (POC Advisor). Interpretador de Tiger para uma representação tipo Assembler, (in Portuguese). POC II Final Report, published as Technical Report of DCC/ICEx/UFMG, 35 pages, June 29th, 2001. Slides (17), 2001.

    6. Mariza Bigonha (Advisor) and Reuber Guerra Duarte. Interpretador para a Máquina Abstrata TAM, (in Portuguese). Technical Report of the Laboratory of Programming Languages of DCC-UFMG, LLP 003/2001, pages 1-45, 2001.

    7. Fernando Magno Quintão Pereira, Roberto S. Bigonha (Advisor), Mariza A. S. Bigonha (Co-Advisor) Implementação de um Gerador de Interpretadores de Uso Geral, (in Portuguese). POC published as Technical Report LLP 004/2001, 50 pages, Programming Languages Laboratory(LLP), UFMG, 2001.

    8. Marco Tulio O.Valente, Roberto S. Bigonha and Mariza A. S. Bigonha. Um Algoritmo para Reconfiguração Dinâmica de Agentes Móveis, (in Portuguese). Technical Report of the Programming Languages Laboratory (LLP), (in Portuguese), DCC/UFMG, pages: 1-11, 2001. Also published in the Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST), (English version), Argentina, V.1, pages 56-65, 2001.


    1. Roberto S. Bigonha. Linhas de Pesquisa em Linguagens de Programação. Programming Language Laboratory (LLP) DCC/UFMG, 14 pages, September, 2001.


    Master Thesis

    1. Marco Rodrigues Costa, Mariza A. S. Bigonha (Advisor) and Roberto S. Bigonha (Co-Advisor). Compilação de um Cálculo Lambda Estendido para Supercombinadores, (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 115 pages, Slides (54) June 6, 2000.

    2. Fábio Tirelo, Roberto S. Bigonha (Advisor). Uma Ferramenta para Execução de um Sistema Dinâmico Discreto baseado em Álgebra Evolutiva (ABSTRACT), (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 157 pages, August 22, 2000.


    1. Marco Tulio O.Valente, Roberto S. Bigonha, Antonio Alfredo F. Loureiro, Mariza A. S. Bigonha. Object Oriented Languages with Abstractions for Mobile Computation, Electronic Notes on Theoretical Computer Science, Elsevier Science. V.38, pages 1-13, 2000.

    International Conferences

    1. Mariza Bigonha, Wendell F. Taveira, Roberto Bigonha e Fabíola Oliveira. Compilador da Linguagem Funcional Orientada por Objetos Script para Haskell, (In Portuguese). Proceedings of the XXVI Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informatica, CLEI2000, México city - México, Volume 1, pages 1-12, 2000.

    2. Fabíola F. Oliveira, Roberto S. Bigonha, Mariza A. S. Bigonha e Marco Rodrigo Costa. Implementação da Linguagem Funcional SCRIPT, (In Portuguese). Proceedings of the IV Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computacion, V.1, page 539, 2000.

    3. Marco Tulio O.Valente, Roberto S. Bigonha, Mariza A. S. Bigonha. Um Algoritmo para Reconfiguração Dinâmica de Agentes Móveis (In Portuguese). Proceedings of the IV Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computacion, pages 1265-1277, 2000.

    4. Mariza A. S. Bigonha, José Siqueira, Roberto S. Bigonha, Aabdel A. Ed-Dbali, Pierre Deransart, Fabricio Schmidt, Flávia P. Ribeiro, Sistema de Indexação e Projeções de HyperPro, (In Portuguese). Proceedings of the IV Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computacion, Ushuaia, pages 335-347, 2000.

    5. IORIO, V. O.; BIGONHA, R. S.; MAIA, M. A.. A self-applicable partial evaluator for asm. In: International Workshop opn Abstract State Machine. Monte Veritá, Switzland. Proceedings of IWASM'2000, V. 1. pages 115-130, 2000.

    6. Marco Túlio O. Valente, Roberto S. Bigonha, Antônio A. F. Loureiro and Marcelo A. Maia. Abstraction for Mobile Computation in ASM. Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet Computing, Las Vegas, Estados Unidos, v. 1, pages 165-172, 2000.

    National Conferences

    1. Marco Tulio O.Valente, Roberto S. Bigonha, Antonio Alfredo F. Loureiro and Mariza A. S. Bigonha. Introduzindo Abstrações para Computação Móvel em Linguagens Orientadas por Objeto, (In Portuguese). In: 4th Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages, Recife, pages 15-28, May 17-19, 2000.

    2. Carlos Camarão, Lucília Figueiredo, ML Has Principal Typings. In: 4th Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages (SBLP'2000), Recife, pages 231-244, May 17-19, 2000.

    3. TIRELO, F. and BIGONHA, R. S., Técnicas de Otimização de Programas Baseados em Máquinas de Estado Abstratas, (In Portuguese). In: Proceedings of the 4th Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages. Recife, PE. V. 1. pages 144-157, 2000. Slides (50), May 17-19, 2000.


      Marco Tulio O.Valente, Roberto S. Bigonha, Antonio Alfredo F. Loureiro, Mariza A. S. Bigonha. Linguagens para Computação Móvel na Internet , (in Portuguese). Tutorial published in the Annex of Proceedings of the 4th Brazilia Symposium on Programming Languages. Centro de Informatica da UFPE, pages 1-35, Recife, 2000. Also published as Technical Report LLP003/2000, Programming Languages Laboratory, DCC/UFMG.

    1. Vladimir O. Di Iorio, Roberto S. Bigonha and Mariza A. S. Bigonha, Avaliação Parcial de Programas, (in Portuguese). Tutorial published as annex to the Proceedurings of the 4th Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages. Centro de Informatica da UFPE, Recife, pages: 1-32, May 17-19, 2000. Also published as Technical Report LLP005/2000, Programming Languages Laboratory, DCC-UFMG Slides (55), May, 2000.

    Short Paper

    1. SALLES, J. P.; BARANAUSKAS, Cecília and BIGONHA, R. S.. A communication model for interface design process. In: Workshop on Semiotic Approaches to User Interfaces. Proceedings of CHI 2000. V. 1. pages 1-4, 2000.


    1. Leila Ribeiro and Roberto S. Bigonha. II Workshop of Formal Methods WMF2000 João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brasil. Pages 8, October 2-4, 2000.


    1. Nahur Fonseca and Mariza Bigonha, et all. Um Ambiente para Desenvolver Programas em Machinas Baseado no Paradigma do Estilo Literário, (in Portuguese). Published in Summaries of the Eighth Week of Initiation Scientific at UFMG, page 189, 1999. Also published as RT LLP009/2000 (17 pages).

    2. Fabíola F. Oliveira, Roberto S. Bigonha, Mariza A. S. Bigonha and Marco R. Costa, Implementação da Linguagem Funcional Script (in Portuguese). Abstract published in the IV Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computacion., 2000, Ushuaia, page 539.

    Technical Reports

    1. TIRELO, F. and BIGONHA, R. S., Optimization Techniques for Abstract State Machines-Based Programs. Published as technical report of the Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), 14 pages, 2000. Also published in the SBLP'2000 (in Portuguese), as Técnicas de Otimização de Programas Baseados em Máquinas de Estado Abstratas, pages 144-157, 2000.

    2. Mírian Nunes Rubinstein and Mariza Bigonha (POC I Advisor). Levantamento de Linguagens de Consulta para XML visando Análise Semântica, (in Portuguese). POC I Final Report, published as Technical Report of DCC/ICEx/UFMG, 17 pages, June 29th, 2000.

    3. Renata Castro Carvalho and Mariza Bigonha (POC Advisor). Recuperação de Documentos para o Formato Eletrônico, (in Portuguese). POC Final Report, published as Technical Report of DCC/ICEx/UFMG, 63 pages, December 4th, 2000.

    4. Marco Túlio O. Valente, Roberto S. Bigonha, Antônio A. L. Ferreira and Mariza A. S. Bigonha, Especificação Formal das Abstrações Para Computação Móvel, (in Portuguese). Technical Report LLP 01/2000, Programming Language Laboratory, UFMG, 2000.

    5. Marco Túlio O. Valente, Roberto S. Bigonha, Antônio A. L. Ferreira and Mariza A. S. Bigonha, Introduzindo Abstrações Para Computação Móvel em Linguagens Orientadas por Objetos, (in Portuguese). Technical Report LLP 02/2000, Laboratório de Linguagens de Programação, UFMG, 20 pages, 2000.

    6. Marco Túlio O. Valente, Roberto S. Bigonha, Antônio A. L. Ferreira and Mariza A. S. Bigonha, Linguagens para Computação Móvel na Internet, (in Portuguese), Tutorial, Technical Report LLP 03/2000, Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), UFMG, 37 pages, 2000.

    7. Vladimir O. Di Iorio and Roberto S. Bigonha, An ASM Implementation of a Self-applicable Partial Evaluation, Technical Report LLP 04/2000, Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), 20 pages, UFMG, 2000.

    8. Vladimir O. Di Iorio, Roberto S. Bigonha and Mariza A. S. Bigonha, Tutorial: Avaliação Parcial de Programas, Tutorial in Portuguese. Technical Report LLP 05/2000, Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), UFMG, 34 pages, 2000.

    9. Mariza A. S. Bigonha, José Siqueira, Roberto S. Bigonha, AbdelAli Ed-Dbali, Pierre Deransart, Fabrício M. Schmidt and Flávia Peligrinelli Sistema de Indexação e Projeção de HyperPro, in Portuguese. Technical Report LLP 06/2000, Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), UFMG, 14 pages, 2000.

    10. Juliana P. Salles, Roberto S. Bigonha and Maria Cecília C. Baranauska, Um Modelo Fractal de Comunicação Aplicado ao Design de Interface, (in Portuguese). Technical Report LLP08/2000, Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), 22 pages, DCC/UFMG, 2000.

    11. SALLES, J. P. ; BARANAUSKAS, Cecília and BIGONHA, R. S. Um Modelo de Comunicação para o Processo de Design de Interfaces, (in Portuguese). Technical Report LLP/DCC/UFMG, pages 1-13, 2000.

    12. Mariza A. S. Bigonha (Advisor) and Nahur M. Fonseca (IC), Um Ambiente para Desenvolvimento de Programas em Machina Baseado no Paradigma do Estilo Literário, (in Portuguese). Technical Report LLP 009/2000, Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), UFMG, pages 1-17, 2000.

    13. Mariza A. S. Bigonha, José Siqueira, Roberto S. Bigonha, AbdelAli Ed-Dbali, Pierre Deransart, Fabrício M. Schmidt and Flávia Peligrinelli Functionalities and Utilities of the HyperPro System, Tutorial, Technical Report LLP 10/2000, Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), UFMG, 13 pages, 2000.


    Ph.D. Dissertation

    1. Marcelo de Almeida Maia, Roberto S. Bigonha (Advisor). Especificação Formal da Interação de Componentes de Sistemas Computacionais (ABSTRACT) (in Portuguese). Dissertation presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science from the Institute of Exact Sciences at the University Federal of Minas Gerais - Department of Computer Science, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in Computer Science, 115 pages, August 27, 1999.


    1. Marco Tulio O.Valente, Roberto S. Bigonha, Antonio Alfredo F. Loureiro and Mariza A. S. Bigonha. Linguagens para Computação Móvel na Internet, (in Portuguese). RITA. Volume 6, pages 7-48, 1999.

    International Conference

    1. Mark Alan Junho Song, Roberto S. Bigonha and Mariza A. S. Bigonha, Uma Ferramenta para Automação do Processo de Projeto e Implementação de Classes em Ambientes Orientados por Objetos, (In Portuguese). Proceedings of the XXV Conferência Latinoamericana de Informática - CLEI, Assunção, Paraguai, PANEL99, V.1, pages 455-470, 1999. Slides (35), 1999.

    2. Carlos Camarão and Lucília Figueiredo, Type Inference for Overloading without Restrictions, Declarations or Annotations In: FLOPS'99 , Tsukuba, Japan, Springer-Verlag LNCS 1722, pages 37-52, November 1999.

    3. MAIA, M. A.; IORIO, V. O. and BIGONHA, R. S. An asm-based approach for Mobile Systems. In: ASM Web Page, Tolouse. Proceedings of ASM'99, Volume 1, pages 1-21, 1999.

    National Conference

    1. Lucília Figueiredo and Carlos Camarão, A Type with a View , (In Portuguese). In: III Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages (SBLP'99), Porto Alegre, Brasil, pages 33-44, May 5-7, 1999.

    2. IORIO, V. O. and BIGONHA, R. S., Avaliação Parcial de máquinas de estado abstratas (in Portuguese. In: III Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages (SBLP'99), Porto Alegre, Brasil, V. 1. pages 45-60, May 5-7, 1999.

    3. MAIA, M. A. and BIGONHA, R. S., Interaction Based Semantics for Mobile Objects. In: III Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages (SBLP'99),Porto Alegre, Brasil, Volume 1, pages 93-108, May 5-7, 1999. Also published as Technical Report LLP02/99, Programming Language Laboratory (LLP) in 1999.

    4. Mariza A. S. Bigonha, Aabdel A. Ed-Dbali, Roberto S. Bigonha, Flávia P. Ribeiro, Pierre Deransart and José Siqueira. Projection of HyperPro Document. In: Proceedings of the III Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages (SBLP'99), Porto Alegre, UFRGS, pages 171-186, May 5-7, 1999.

    5. VALENTE, M. T. O.; BIGONHA, R. S.; MAIA, M. A. and LOUREIRO, Antônio F., Especificação de agentes móveis usando máquinas de estado abstratas (in Portuguese). In: I Wireless Communication Workshop, Belo Horizonte, MG. Proceedings of the WCSF'99, V. 1, pages 123-131, 1999.

    6. VALENTE, M. T. O.; BIGONHA, R. S.; MAIA, M. A. and LOUREIRO, Antônio F., Aplicação de ASM na Especificação de Sistemas Móveis (in Portuguese). In: II Brazilian Workshop on Formal Methods, 1999, Florianópolis, V. 1. pages 60-69, 1999.

    7. MAIA, M. A. and BIGONHA, R. S., Unificando os modelos de computação móvel e componentes de software via máquinas de estados interativas (in Portuguese), In: II Brazilian Workshop on Formal Methods, 1999, Florianópolis. Proceedings of the WMF'99, V. 1. pages 70-78, 1999.

    Short Paper

    1. MAIA, M. A.; BIGONHA, R. S., Rules for verification of interactive systems. In: III Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages (SBLP'99), Porto Alegre, Brasil, V. 1. pages: 207-212, 1999.


    1. Wendell F. Taveira, Mariza Bigonha (Advisor) , Roberto Bigonha. Compilador da Linguagem Funcional Orientada por Objetos Script para Haskell, Wendell F. Taveira, Mariza Bigonha, Roberto Bigonha. Published in Summaries of the Eighth Week of Initiation Scientific at UFMG, page 192, 1999.

    2. Fabricio Schmidt, Mariza A. S. Bigonha, José Siqueira (Advisor), Roberto S. Bigonha, Aabdel A. Ed-Dbali, Pierre Deransart, Flávia P. Ribeiro, Índices e Projeções Baseadas em Índices para o Sistema HyperPro Básico, Published in Summaries of the Eighth Week of Initiation Scientific at UFMG, page 191, 1999.

    3. Marco R. Costa, Mariza A. S. Bigonha (Advisor) e Roberto S. Bigonha (Co-Advisor). Compilação de um Cálculo Lambda Estendido para Supercombinadores, Abstracts of the First Week of Graduate Studies from UFMG. Page 80, 1999.


    1. Fábio Tirelo, Marcelo A. Maia, Vladimir O. Di Iorio and Roberto S. Bigonha. Máquinas de Estado Abstratas. Tutorial III published as annex to the Proceedings of the III Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages. Pages 1-32, Porto Alegre, May 5-7, 1999. Also published as Technical Report LLP 015/99, Programming Languages Laboratory, DCC/UFMG. Slides 20 pages (80 slides), 1999.

    2. Carlos Camarão, Lucília Figueiredo and Elaine Pimentel, Sistemas de Tipos em Linguagens de Programação (in Portuguese). In: III Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages (SBLP'99), Porto Alegre RS, Brasil, 28 pages, May 5-7, 1999.


    1. Roberto S. Bigonha. Linhas de Pesquisa em Linguagens de Programação. Programming Language Laboratory (LLP) DCC/UFMG, 12 pages, June, 1999.

    Proposals for Master's Thesis and Doctoral Dissertations

    1. Roberto S. Bigonha and Mariza A. S. Bigonha. Line of Research in Abstractions for Building Applications for Mobile Computing Devices (in Portuguese). Programming Language Laboratory (LLP) DCC/UFMG, 3 pages, 1999.

    Technical Reports

    1. Flávia P. Ribeiro and Mariza A. S. Bigonha (IC and POC Advisor), HyperPro: Sistema de Programas e Documentação em um Ambiente de Programação Baseado no Paradigma de Estilo Literário. Final POC Report published as Technical Report LLP 003/99, Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), DCC/UFMG, 58 pages, 1999.

    2. José Siqueira (Advisor) and Fabrício Maia Schmidt, Manual do Usuário para Índices e Projeções Baseadas em Índices para o HyperPro Básico. Technical Report of DCC, RT 013/99, Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), DCC/UFMG, 8 pages, October, 1999.

    3. José Siqueira (Advisor) and Fabrício Maia Schmidt, Manual de Sistema para Índices e Projeções Baseadas em Índices para o HyperPro Básico. Technical Report of DCC, RT 012/99, Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), DCC/UFMG, 42 pages, October, 1999.

    4. Pierre Deransart, Roberto S. Bigonha, Patrik Parot, Mariza A. S. Bigonha and José de Siqueira. A Literate Logic Programming System. Technical Report LLP/DCC/UFMG, Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), UFMG, 15 pages, 1999.

    5. Wendell F. Taveira, Mariza A. S. Bigonha (IC and POC Advisor) and Roberto S. Bigonha (POC Co-Advisor), Compilador da Linguagem Funcional Orientada por Objetos Script para Haskell (in Portuguese). Final Scientific Initiation and POC Report published as Technical Report LLP 09/99, Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), DCC/UFMG, 67 pages, agosto de 1999. Slides (17), 1999.

    6. Arthur Almeida, José Lamas, Mariza A. S. Bigonha (POC Advisor) and Roberto S. Bigonha, Construção e Geração de Hierarquia de Classe a Partir de Código Java (in Portuguese). Technical Report 10/99, Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), UFMG, 35 pages, agosto de 1999. Slides (17), 1999.

    7. Nizam de Abreu Pfeilsticker and Mariza A. S. Bigonha (POC Advisor), Implementação de um Algoritmo para Alocação de Registradores com Informações sobre Escalomento de Instruções Embutidas POC parcial report, (in Portuguese). Published as Technical Report of DCC/ICEx/UFMG, Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), DCC/UFMG, 31 pages, July, 1999. Slides (13), July, 1999.

    8. Yêdda A. Duarte Silva and Mariza A. S. Bigonha (POC Advisor), Tabela de Símbolos: Implementação e Avaliação e Diferentes Paradigmas de Programação (in Portuguese). POC final report. Technical Report LLP 04/99, Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), DCC/UFMG, 109 pages, August, 1999.

    9. Gustavo Brandão Escalda and Mariza A. S. Bigonha (POC Advisor), Compilador TIGER usando JAVA - Manual do Usuário (in Portuguese). Technical Report LLP011/99, Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), DCC/UFMG, 29 pages, 1999.

    10. Gustavo Brandão Escalda and Mariza A. S. Bigonha (POC Advisor), Um Compilador para a Linguagem TIGER usando a Linguagem JAVA como Ferramenta de Desenvolvimento (in Portuguese). POC final report. Technical Report of DCC/ICEx/UFMG, Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), 30 pages, July 30th, 1999. Slides (12), July 30th, 1999.

    11. Eudes da Costa Cândido and Mariza A. S. Bigonha (POC Advisor), Implementação do Processador da Linguagem Triângulo (in Portuguese). POC II final report. Technical Report of DCC/ICEx/UFMG, Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), 23 pages February 19th, 1999. Slides (16), February 19th, 1999.

    12. Roberto S. Bigonha, Fábio Tirelo, Marcelo A. Maia Marcelo L. Silva, Marco T. O. Valente, Mariza A. S. Bigonha and Vladimir O. Di Iorio, Projeto Machina (in Portuguese). Technical Report of DCC RT 009/99, Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), DCC/UFMG, 38 pages, August, 1999.

    13. Marcelo A. Maia and Roberto S. Bigonha, An ASM-Based Approach for Mobile Systems. Technical Report LLP 012/99, Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), UFMG, 21 pages, 1999.

    14. Roberto S. Bigonha. Semântica Denotacional Legível (in Portuguese). Programming Language Laboratory (LLP) DCC/UFMG, 2 pages, 1999.

    15. Fábio Tirelo, Roberto S. Bigonha, Marcelo A. Maia and Vladimir O. Di Iorio. Projeto Machina: A Linguagem de Especificação de ASM (in Portuguese). Technical Report LLP 008/99, Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), DCC/UFMG, August, 1999.

    16. Vladimir O. Di Iorio, Roberto S. Bigonha and Marcelo A. Maia, A Self-Applicable Partial Evaluator for ASM. Technical Report LLP11/99, Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), DCC/UFMG, 21 pages, 1999.

    17. Marcelo A. Maia and Roberto S. Bigonha, Objetos Concorrentes em Máquina de Estados Abstratos Distribuída (in Portuguese). Technical Report LLP/DCC/UFMG, Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), UFMG, 13 pages, 1999.

    18. VALENTE, M. T. O.; BIGONHA, R. S.; MAIA, M. A. and LOUREIRO, Antônio F., Application of ASM to the Specification of Mobile Systems. Technical Report LLP/DCC/UFMG, Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), UFMG, 6 pages, June, 1999.

    19. Roberto S. Bigonha, Script 2.0: An Object Oriented Language for Denotational Semantics. Technical Report LLP 005/99, Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), UFMG, 53 pages, 1999.

    20. Cristiano B.Tibiriçá, Função Delimitadora (in Portuguese). Technical Report LLP01/99, Programming Language Laboratory (LLP) DCC/UFMG, 20 pages, 1999.

    21. Mariza A. S. Bigonha (Editor), Mark Alan J. Song, Flávia Peligrinelli Ribeiro, Fábio Tirelo, Marco Túlio O. Valente and Vladimir O. Di Iorio. Série de Seminários 1999-1 (in Portuguese). Technical Report LLP 006/99, Programming Language Laboratory (LLP),UFMG, 181 pages, 1999.

    22. Mariza A. S. Bigonha. Linguagens para Descrição de Arquiteturas de Computadores e Geradores de Código (in Portuguese). Technical Report LLP 005/99, Programming Language Laboratory (LLP),UFMG, 49 pages, May, 1999.


    Master Thesis

    1. Fabiola Fonseca de Oliveira, Roberto S. Bigonha (Advisor). Compilação de uma Linguagem Funcional Orientada por Objetos para Definição de Semântica Denotacional (ABSTRACT) (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 218 pages, March 31, 1998.

    International Conference

    1. Mariza A. S. Bigonha, José Lucas Rangel Netto, Roberto S. Bigonha, A Generator of Code Generator for Superscalar Architectures. Proceedings of the XXIV Conferência Latinoamericana de Informática - CLEI - PANEL98, pages 49-60, 1998.

    2. MAIA, M. A.; IORIO, V. O. and BIGONHA, R. S., Interactive abstract state machines. In: 5th Workshop on Abstract State Machines, 1998, Magdeburg. Germany. Proceedings of WAST'98, V. 1. pages 37-49, 1998.

    Short Paper

    1. Marcelo de Almeida Maia, Vladimir Oliveira Di Iorio, and Roberto da Silva Bigonha. An interactive abstract machine. In: Ist Brazilian Workshop of Formal Methods, 1998, Porto Alegre. Proceedings of the WMF'98, Volume 1. pages 106-110, 1998.


    1. Mariza Bigonha (Advisor), Flávia Peligrinelli Ribeiro (Scientific Initiation Student), Roberto S. Bigonha , AbdelAli Ed-Dbali, Pierre Deransart and Jose de Siqueira. HyperPro: Um Ambiente para Programação em Lógica no Estilo Literário, First place in the area of Science and Earth. Summary published in the Proceedings of the 7th Scientific Initiation Week of UFMG, page 204, 1998. Final report of IC published as Technical Report of the Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), DCC/UFMG, 28 pages, 1998.


    1. Roberto S. Bigonha. and Mariza A. S. Bigonha Projetos de Pesquisa em Linguagens de Programação. Programming Language Laboratory (LLP) DCC/UFMG, 8 pages, May, 1998.

    Technical Reports

    1. Mariza Bigonha, Flávia Peligrinelli Ribeiro, Roberto S. Bigonha, AbdelAli Ed-Dbali, Pierre Deransart and Jose de Siqueira. HyperPro: Um Ambiente para Programação em Lógica no Estilo Literário (in Portuguese). Final report of IC published as Technical Report of the Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), DCC/UFMG, 28 pages, 1998.

    2. Roberto da Silva Bigonha. The Revised Report on the Language SCRIPT for Denotational Semantics. Technical Report of DCC RT 002/98, Programming Language Laboratory (LLP) DCC/UFMG, 53 pages, February, 1998.

    3. Roberto da Silva Bigonha. Liberdade do Exercício Profissional em Informática. RT 002/98, Programming Language Laboratory (LLP) DCC/UFMG, pages 1-3, December, 1998.

    4. Daltro J. Nunes, Edit G. L. de Campos, Paulo B. Menezes, João C. Setubal, Ricardo Anido, Flavio Bortolozzi, Ana Carolina Salgado, Antonio G. Thomé, Miriam Sayão, Sonia Ogiba, Raul S. Wazlawick, Tarcísio Pequeno, Geber Ramalho, Paulo Alberto de Azeredo, João Netto, Flávio R. Wagner, Carlos E. Pereira, Cesar A. C. Teixeira, João P. Kitajima, Nelson L. D. Filho, Celso M. da Costa, Simão S. Toscani, Maria Izabel C. Cabral, Luiz F. G. Soares, Juergen Rochol, Jean-Marie Farines, Maria das Graças B. Marietto, Claudia M B. Medeiros, Lia G. Golendziner, Hans K. E. Liesenberg, Maria Alice Ferreira, Arndt von Staa, Paulo C. Masiero, Jacob Scharcanski, José C. Maldonado, Leila Ribeiro, Jaelson F. B. Castro, Roberto da Silva Bigonha, Rafael D. Lins, Aluizio Arcela, Homero L. Piccolo, Carla M.D.S. Freitas, Claudio Kirner, Valdemar W. Setzer, Maria de Fátima R. Brandão, Antonio Carlos dos Santos, Roshangela F. Bastani and Afonso I. Orth. Diretrizes Curriculares de Cursos da Área de Computação e Informática. Published by SESU/MEC COMISSÃO DE ESPECIALISTAS DE ENSINO DE COMPUTAÇÃO E INFORMÁTICA - CEEInf and Technical Report of the Programming Language Laboratory (LLP) DCC/UFMG, pages: 1-23, 1998.

    5. Erika Hamacek Pinto and Mariza A. S. Bigonha (POC Advisor), Gerador de Analisadores Lexicos GALsic para ambiente Windows (in Portuguese). Final POC Report published as an Internal Technical Report of DCC, RT 007/98, UFMG, 39 pages, October, 1998.

    6. Wendell F. Taveira, Mariza Bigonha (IC and POC I Advisor). Um Interpretador para uma Linguagem Funcional Orientada por Objeto (IC Proposal) (in Portuguese). Published as internal Technical Report of LLP/DCC/UFMG, 23 pages, October 13, 1998.

    7. Marcelo de Almeida Maia, and Roberto da Silva Bigonha. Formal Semantics for Interacting Abstract State Machines. Internal Technical Report of DCC, RT 005/98, Programming Language Laboratory (LLP) DCC/UFMG, 61 pages, September, 1998.

    8. Mariza A. S. Bigonha and Roberto S. Bigonha. A Powerful LR(1) Error Recovery Mechanism in the Compiler Implementation System Environment. Technical Report of the Programming Language Laboratory (LLP),UFMG, 11 pages, 1998.


    Ph.D. Dissertation

    1. Lucília Camarão de Figueiredo, Edward Hermann Haeusler - PUC-Rio (Advisor) and Roberto S. Bigonha (Co-Advisor). Lambda-calculus: Um Modelo para Não-Determinismo em Linguagens Reflexivas (ABSTRACT), (in Portuguese). Dissertation presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science from the Institute of Exact Sciences at the University Federal of Minas Gerais - Department of Computer Science, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in Computer Science, 84 pages, June 23, 1997.

    International Conference

    1. Mariza A. S. Bigonha, Patrícia Costa and Roberto S. Bigonha, Avaliação de Técnicas de Compactação Aplicáveis a Programas em Linguagens Funcionais em Arquiteturas Superescalares (in Portuguese). Proceedings of the 3nd. Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computacion. Universidad Nacional de La Plata, V. 02. pages 1038-1054, 1997.
      Also published as Technical Report of DCC in December, 1996.

    National Conferences

    1. Carlos Camarão and Lucília Figueiredo. Class Types. II Brazilian Symposium of Programming Language, Campinas SP, V. 1, pages 96-108, 1997.

    2. MAIA, M. A. and BIGONHA, R. S.. Objetos concorrentes em máquinas de estados abstratos (in Portuguese). In: II Brazilian Symposium of Programming Language, Campinas SP, V. 1, pages 126-138, September 3-5, 1997.

    Technical Reports

    1. Roberto da Silva Bigonha. The Revised Report on the Language SCRIPT for Denotational Semantics. Technical Report of DCC RT 016/97, Programming Language Laboratory (LLP) DCC/UFMG, 53 pages, July, 1997.

    2. Junia Maria Martins Neves, Carlos Camarão de Figueiredo (Advisor) and Mariza A. S. Bigonha (Reviewer) . Implementação de um Interpretador de Lambda-Calculus em uma Linguagem Orientada por Objetos, (in Portuguese). Technical Report of DCC RT 001/97, Programming Language Laboratory (LLP) DCC/UFMG, 52 pages, 1997.


    1. Roberto S. Bigonha and Mariza A. S. Bigonha and Carlos Camarão de Figueiredo. Projetos de Pesquisa em Linguagens de Programação. Programming Language Laboratory (LLP) DCC/UFMG, 7 pages, September, 1997.


    Master Thesis

    1. Mark Alan Junho Song, Roberto S. Bigonha (Advisor). Mecanização do Processo de Projeto e Implementação de Classes em Ambientes Orientados por Objetos (ABSTRACT) (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 84 pages, April 18, 1996.

    International Conference

    1. Mariza A. S. Bigonha, Roberto S. Bigonha, Valeska Russo e Marco R. Costa, An Environment for Language Implementation called SIC. In: Proceedings of the 2nd. Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computacion, San Luis, V. 1, pages 412-424, 1996.

    National Conferences

    1. Pierre Deransart, Roberto S. Bigonha, Patrick Parot, Mariza Bigonha and José Siqueira. A Literate Logic Programming System. In: Proceedings of the I Brazilian Symposium on Programming languages, Belo Horizonte MG, pages 1-16, September 4-6, 1996.

    2. Mariza A. S. Bigonha, José Lucas Rangel Netto and Roberto S. Bigonha, Alocação de Registradores a Dado de Tamanho Variável e Escalonamento de Instruções (in Portuguese). Proceedings of the I Brazilian Programming Language Symposium, pages 73-88, September 4-6, 1996.

    3. MAIA, M. A.; BIGONHA, Roberto S.. Implementando uma Linguagem Funcional Pura com uma Máquina-G Estendida (in Portuguese). In: Proceedings of the I Brazilian Symposium on Programming languages, Belo Horizonte. V. 1, pages 141-154, September 4-6, 1996.

    4. VALENTE, M. T. O. ; BIGONHA, Roberto S.. Covariância x Contravariância: A Solução ita (in Portuguese). In: Proceedings of the I Brazilian Symposium on Programming languages, Belo Horizonte, MG. V. 1. pages: 333-346, September 4-6, 1996.

    Short Paper

    1. Pierre Deransart, Roberto S. Bigonha, Patrick Parot, Mariza A. S. Bigonha and José Siqueira, A Hypertext Based Environment to Write Literate Logic Programs. In: Proceedings of the JICSLP'96, Bonn, Germany, 4 pages, September, 1996. This article was also published as a technical report, RT DCC 015/96, by the Department of Computer Science - UFMG in May 1996.

    1st SBLP

    1. Roberto S. Bigonha (Coordinator of the 1st SBLP) Carlos Camarão , Mariza A. S. Bigonha and Marcelo Maia. Schedule of the 1st Brazilian Symposium of Programming Languages. 1st SBLP, Belo Horizonte MG, 4 pages, September 4 to 6, 1996.

    Currículo de Referência da SBC

    1. Roberto da Silva Bigonha (UFMG) , Daltro J. Nunes (UFRGS), Ana Carolina Salgado (UFPE), Miguel Jonathan (UFRJ), Clarindo I. P.da Silva e Pádua (UFMG) and Terezinha Souza da Costa (PUC-Rio). Currículo de Referência da SBC para Cursos de Graduação em Computação, Engenharia de Computação, Bacharelados em Computação, Informática ou Ciência da Computação, (in Portuguese). Preliminary report, Version 1996, Part One, 14 pages, August 10, 1996.

    Technical Reports

    1. Roberto S. Bigonha. Retractil Continuation. Published as a Technical Report of DCC-ICEx-UFMG, RT 001/96, 9 pages, January 4th, 1996.

    2. Marco Túlio O. Valente and Roberto S. Bigonha. A Linguagem de Programação Ita (in Portuguese). Published as a Technical Report of DCC-ICEx-UFMG, RT 005/96, 31 pages, 1996. Slides (15) 8 pages, 1996.

    3. Marco Túlio O. Valente and Roberto S. Bigonha. Uma Linguagem Orientada por Objetos para o Desenvolvimento Sistemático de Programas (in Portuguese). Published as a Technical Report of DCC-ICEx-UFMG, RT 022/96, 18 pages. Slides (16), June, 1996.

    4. Mark Alan J. Song and Roberto S. Bigonha. Automação do Processo de Projeto e Implementação de Classes em Ambientes Orientados por Objetos (in Portuguese). Published as a Technical Report of DCC-ICEx-UFMG, RT 023/96, 22 pages, June, 1996.

    5. Valeska Russo e Marco R. Costa, Mariza A.S. Bigonha (POC Advisor). Transporte do Sistema SIC do MS-DOS para Windows (in Portuguese). Final Report of POC, published as a Technical Report of DCC-ICEx-UFMG, 26 pages, June, 1996.

    6. Mariza A. S. Bigonha, Roberto S. Bigonha, Marco R. Costa and Valeska Russo, SIC: Sistema de Implementação de Compiladores - Manual do Usuário, Versão C 1.0 (in Portuguese). Technical Report of DCC, RT 020/96, ICEx-UFMG, 76 pages, 1996.
      Exemplo entrada para o SIC,
      (25 pages), 1996.

    7. Francisco Sapori Júnior, Mariza A.S. Bigonha (IC Advisor) Bibliotecas de Classes para Implementar as Estruturas de Dados Básicas como Tipo Abstrato de Dados (in Portuguese). Final Report of Cientific Initiation (IC), published as a Technical Report of DCC-ICEx-UFMG, RT 026/96, 60 pages, September 10, 1996.

    8. Patrícia Campos Costa and Mariza A. S. Bigonha (POC Adivsor). Estudos das Técnicas de Compactação Aplicáveis a Linguagens Funcionais Visando Arquiteturas Superescalares (in Portuguese). Final Report of POC, published as a Technical Report of LLP/DCC/UFMG, 32 pages, November, 1996.

    9. Mariza A. S. Bigonha, Patrícia Costa and Roberto S. Bigonha. Avaliação das Técnicas de Compactação Aplicáveis a Programas em Linguagens Funcionais em Arquiteturas Superescalares (in Portuguese). Technical Report of DCC, 17 pages, December, 1996. Also published on the 3nd. CACIC/97, pages: 1038-1054.


    Ph.D. Dissertation

    1. Patrick Parot, Pierre Deransart (Advisor) and R. S. Bigonha (Co-Advisor) . Mécanisation de la Réutilisation de Composants Logiciels: approches et outils (Abstract 17 pages). Thèse présentée à L'Université d'Orléans pour obtenir le grade de Docteur, Spécialité: Informatique. Dissertation presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the University of Orléans as a partial requirement for obtaining the degree of Doctor in Informatic. 138 pages, October 20, 1995.

    Master Thesis

    1. Marco Túlio de Oliveira Valente, Roberto S. Bigonha (Advisor). Projeto e Implementação de uma Linguagem Orientada por Objetos para o Desenvolvimento Sistemático de Programas (ABSTRACT) (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 83 pages, December 27, 1995.

    National Conference

    1. Mariza A. S. Bigonha, José Lucas Rangel Netto and Roberto S. Bigonha, Sistema Gerador de Geradores de Código para Arquiteturas Superescalares (in Portuguese). Proceedings of the VII Brazilian Symposium on Computer Architectures and High-Performance Processing, pages 287-302, Slides (73), 1995.

    2. MAIA, M. A. and BIGONHA, R. S.. Implementação de Polimorfismo de inclusão em linguagem funcional pura (in Portuguese). In: XXII Integrated Seminar on Software and Hardware, Proceedings of the SEMISH'95, V. 2, pages 863-876, 1995.

    Technical Report

      1. Francisco Sapori Júnior, Mariza A.S. Bigonha (IC Advisor) Bibliotecas de Classes para Implementar as Estruturas de Dados Básicas como Tipo Abstrato de Dados (in Portuguese). Cientific Initiation (IC) Project, published as a Technical Report of the Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), LLP 001/95, 13 pages, April 20th, 1995.

      2. Marco Túlio O. Valente and Roberto S. Bigonha. A Regra da Contra-Variância Guardada (in Portuguese). Technical Report of DCC, RT 004/95, Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), DCC/UFMG, 17 pages, April 4th, 1995.

      3. Roberto da Silva Bigonha and Mariza Andrade da Silva Bigonha. Tabela de Símbolos (in Portuguese). Technical Report of DCC/ICEx/UFMG, 23 pages, July, 1995.

      4. Mariza A. S. Bigonha , José Lucas M. Rangel Netto and Roberto S. Bigonha A Code Generator Generator for Superscalar Architecture. Technical Report of DCC/ICEx/UFMG, 9 pages, 1995.


      Ph.D. Dissertation

      1. Mariza A. S. Bigonha, Prof. José Lucas Mourão Rangel Netto (Advisor). Otimização de Código em Máquinas Superescalares (ABSTRACT) (in Portuguese). Dissertation presented to the Department of Informatics at PUC/RJ as part of the requirements for obtaining the title of Doctor in Informatics: Computer Science, Volumes: 1 and 2, 507 pages, April 29, 1994.

      Master Thesis

      1. Marcelo de Almeida Maia, Roberto S. Bigonha (Advisor). Implementação Eficiente de uma Linguagem para Definição de Semântica (ABSTRACT) (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 148 pages, December 5, 1994.

      National Conference

      1. Mariza A. S. Bigonha and José Lucas Rangel Netto, Linguagens para Descrição de Arquiteturas de Computadores (in Portuguese). Proceedings of the VI Brazilian Symposium on Computer Architectures, pages 137-153, 1994.

      2. NUNES, Daltro ; BIGONHA, Roberto S. ; SETZER, Valdemar W. and COSTA, Terezinha. Curriculos de Referência da SBC para Cursos de Graduação Plena em Computação (in Portuguese). In: II Workshop sobre Educação em Informática, 1994, Caxambú, MG. Proceedings II Workshop sobre Educação em Informática, V. 1. pages 1-8, 1994.


      1. Mariza A. S. Bigonha, José Lucas Rangel Netto, Sistema Gerador de Geradores de Código para Arquiteturas Superescalares (in Portuguese). PUC/RJ - COMPUTER DEPARTMENT, Series: Monographs in Computer Science, No. M11/94 Editor: Prof. Carlos José Pereira de Lucena, 20 pages, August, 1994.

      2. Mariza A. S. Bigonha, José Lucas Rangel Netto, Linguagens para Descrição de Arquiteturas de Computadores (in Portuguese). PUC/RJ - COMPUTER DEPARTMENT, Series: Monographs in Computer Science, No. M12/94 Editor: Prof. Carlos José Pereira de Lucena, 18 pages, August, 1994.This monograph also was published as M14/90, as a partial qualification requirement to prof. José Lucas Mourão Rangel Netto.

      2nd WEI

      1. Roberto da Silva Bigonha (Organizer). Program of the II Workshop sobre Educação em Computação/Informática (in Portuguese). Event of SBC, Caxambú MG. Published as Technical Report of DCC/ICEx/UFMG, 3 pages, August 1st to 5th, 1994.

      Technical Report

      1. Roberto da Silva Bigonha. SCRIPT An Object Oriented Language for Denotational Semantics. User's Manual and Reference. Published as Technical Report of DCC/ICEx/UFMG, RT 003/94, 51 pages, February 5th, 1994.

      2. Roberto da Silva Bigonha. Modular Denotational Semantics Description. Published as Technical Report of DCC/ICEx/UFMG, RT 004/94, 27 pages in 1994.

      3. Roberto da Silva Bigonha. SCRIPT An Object Oriented Language for Denotational Semantics. Revised User's Manual and Reference. Published as Technical Report of DCC/ICEx/UFMG, RT 015/94, 51 pages in October 14, 1994.

      4. Lucas Martins do Amaral and Roberto da Silva Bigonha. Analise e Projeto de Ambientes Interativos. Published as Technical Report of DCC/ICEx/UFMG, 13 pages in 1994.


      Master Thesis

      1. José Leite da Silva Júnior, Roberto S. Bigonha (Advisor). Linguagem de Definição e Geração de Analisadores Sintáticos em Semântica Denotacional Legível (ABSTRACT) (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 125 pages, March 29, 1993.

      National Conference

      1. SILVA JUNIOR, J. L. and BIGONHA, R. S.. Semântica Denotacional Legível (in Portuguese). In: VII Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Anais do VII Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, pages 30-45, 1993.

      2. RODRIGUES, W. A. and BIGONHA, R. S.. Uma Experiência na Implementação de um Sistema de Tipos Fortes e Polimórficos (in Portuguese). In: VII Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. pages 46-61, 1993.


      Master Thesis

      1. Lucas Martins do Amaral, Roberto S. Bigonha (Advisor). Interface Homem-Máquina do Ambiente de Definição Semântica LDS (ABSTRACT) (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 118 pages, August 28, 1992.


      1. Mariza A. S. Bigonha. Esquemas de Escalonamento de Instruções para a Arquitetura RISC/6000, (in Portuguese). PUC/RJ - COMPUTER DEPARTMENT, Series: Monographs in Computer Science, No. M09/92. Paper presented to Prof. José Lucas Mourão Rangel Netto. Partially funded by CAPES/UFMG and the Secretariat of Science and Technology of the Presidency of the Federative Republic of Brazil. Editor: Prof. Carlos José Pereira de Lucena, 42 pages, May, 1991 and published in 1992.

      2. Mariza A. S. Bigonha, Geração e Otimização de Código: Levantamento dos Problemas e Restrições Impostas pelas Arquiteturas RISC e Indicativos de Soluções, (in Portuguese). PUC/RJ - COMPUTER DEPARTMENT, Series: Monographs in Computer Science, No. M10/92. Paper presented to Prof. José Lucas Mourão Rangel Netto. Partially funded by CAPES/UFMG and the Secretariat of Science and Technology of the Presidency of the Federative Republic of Brazil. Editor: Prof. Carlos José Pereira de Lucena, 31 pages, June, 1991 and published in April, 1992.

      Technical Report

      1. José Leite da Silva Júnior and Roberto da Silva Bigonha. Semântica Denotacional Legível, (in Portuguese). Published as Technical Report of DCC/ICEx/UFMG, 14 pages, 1992.

      2. Lucas Martins do Amaral and Roberto da Silva Bigonha. Um Ambiente Interativo para Definição de Semântica. Published as Technical Report of DCC/ICEx/UFMG, 15 pages, 1992.



      1. Roberto S. Bigonha. Memorial, (in Portuguese). Concurso Professor Titular - DCC/UFMG. Published as a Technical Report of DCC, 50 pages, February, 1991.

      5th SBES

      1. Roberto S. Bigonha (Coordinator of V SBES). 5th Brazilian Symposium of Software Engineering, (in Portuguese). Technical Report of the V SBES/SBC, Ouro Preto MG, October 23 to 25, 1991. Department of Computer Science, Federal University of Minas Gerais, 11 pages, 1991.

      Currículo de Referência da SBC

      1. Daltro J. Nunes (UFRGS), Roberto da Silva Bigonha (UFMG) , Terezinha Souza da Costa (PUC-Rio) and Valdemar W. Setzer. Currículo de Referência para Cursos de Graduação Plena em em Computação, Comissão de Ensino da Sociedade Brasileira da Computação, (in Portuguese). 8 pages, June, 1991.

      Technical Reports

      1. Roberto S. Bigonha and Lucas Martins do Amaral. WINDOW 2.0 Um Sistema Básico de Gerência de Interface (Versão Turbo C), (in Portuguese), Published as a Technical Report of DCC-ICEx-UFMG, RT 021/91, 39 pages, December, 1991.

      2. Roberto S. Bigonha. Not Always a Full LR(1) Parser Generator. Published as a Technical Report of DCC-ICEx-UFMG, RT 022/91, 10 pages, December, 1991.



      1. Mariza A. S. Bigonha. O Papel da Representação do Conhecimento na Construção de Sistemas Especialistas (in Portuguese). Work presented as a partial qualification requirement to prof. Dr. Carlos José Pereira Lucena. Partially funded by CAPES/UFMG. PUC/RJ - COMPUTER DEPARTMENT, Series: Monographs in Computer Science, No. M04/90. Editor: Prof. Paulo A. S. Veloso, 44 pages, April, 1990.

      2. Mariza A. S. Bigonha. Otimização de Código usando Técnicas de Inteligência Artificial (in Portuguese). Work presented as a partial qualification requirement to prof. Daniel Schwabe. Partially funded by CAPES/UFMG. PUC/RJ - COMPUTER DEPARTMENT, Series: Monographs in Computer Science, No. M13/90. Editor: Prof. Paulo A. S. Veloso, 41 pages, October, 1990.

      3. Mariza A. S. Bigonha. Linguagens para Descrição de Arquitetura de Computadores (in Portuguese). Work presented as a partial qualification requirement to prof. José Lucas Mourão Rangel Netto. Partially funded by CAPES/UFMG. PUC/RJ - COMPUTER DEPARTMENT, Series: Monographs in Computer Science, No. M14/90. Editor: Prof. Carlos José Pereira de Lucena, November, 1990.

      Technical Reports

      1. Roberto S. Bigonha and Mariza A. S. Bigonha. A Method for Efficient Compactation of LALR(1) Parsing Tables. Published as a Technical Report of DCC-ICEx-UFMG, RT 024/90, 14 pages, December, 1990.


      Master Thesis

      1. Rosilene Terezinha Martins, Roberto S. Bigonha (Advisor). Técnicas para Recompilação Eficiente de Linguagens LALR(1) (ABSTRACT) (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 99 pages, March 31, 1989.

      National Conference

      1. BIGONHA, R. S. and MARTINS, R. T., Uma Experiência em Compilação Incremental de Linguagens LALR(1) (in Portuguese). In: IX Congresso Nacional da SBC, Uberlândia, MG. Anais do IX Congresso Nacional da SBC, pages: 83-97, 1989.

      2. MARTINS, R. T.; BIGONHA, R. S.. Compilação Inteligente para Sistemas Multimodulares, (in Portuguese). In: IX Congresso Nacional da SBC, Uberlândia, MG. Anais do IX Congresso Nacional da SBC, pages: 66-82, 1989.

      3. BIGONHA, R. S.. Window 4: Janelas e Menus em Turbo Pascal 4.0, (in Portuguese). In: XXII Congresso Nacional de Informática, São Paulo, SP. Anais do XXII Congresso Nacional de Informática, pages: 212-219, 1989.

      4. VECCHIO, L. H. A.; BIGONHA, R. S.; CAMPOS, I. M., O Paradigma de Programação Orientada a Objetos em Turbo Pascal, (in Portuguese). In: IX Congresso Nacional da SBC, Uberlândia, MG. Anais IX Congresso Nacional da SBC, pages: 162-170, 1989.

      Bitnet Project

      1. Roberto S. Bigonha and Rodolfo Sérgio Ferreira de Resende. Ligação da UFMG à Rede Internacional de Pesquisa (in Portuguese). Published as Technical Report of DCC/ICEx/UFMG, Programming Language Laboratory (LLP), 8 pages, 1989.

      Technical Reports

      1. Roberto S. Bigonha and Mariza A.S. Bigonha. Manual de Uso do NET 3.0 (in Portuguese). Published as Technical Report RT 011/89 of DCC/ICEx/UFMG, 46 pages, 1989.

      2. Mariza A. S. Bigonha and Roberto S. Bigonha. SIC: Sistema de Implementação de Compiladores (in Portuguese).Published as Technical Report RT 007/89 of DCC/ICEx/UFMG, 59 pages, 1989.

      3. Mariza A. S. Bigonha. Geradores e Otimizadores de Código (in Portuguese). Published as Technical Report RT 027/89 of DCC/ICEx/UFMG, 68 pages, 1989.

      4. VECCHIO, Luiz Henrique de Araújo; BIGONHA, Roberto S. Bigonha; CAMPOS, Ivan Moura. PASTALK Uma Extensão Orientada a Objetos do Turbo Pascal (in Portuguese). Published as Technical Report RT 030/89 of DCC/ICEx/UFMG, 16 pages, 1989.


      Master Thesis

      1. José de Jesus Perez Alcázar, Alberto Henrique F. Laender (Advisor) and Roberto S. Bigonha (Co-Advisor). Projeto e Implementação de uma Linguagem para Bancos de Dados Funcionais, (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 212 pages, March 28, 1988.

      2. Carlos Camarão de Figueiredo, Roberto S. Bigonha (Advisor). Geração de Código em um Compilador CHILL (ABSTRACT) (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 196 pages, July 1st, 1988.

      National Conference

      1. Mariza A. S. Bigonha and Roberto S. Bigonha, SIC - Uma Ferramenta para Implementação de Linguagens (in Portuguese). Proceedings of the XXI National Congress of Informatics, SUCESU, v.01. pages 426-431, 1988.

      2. Roberto S. Bigonha; Newton A. C. Lages, João Eduardo R.Dantas; Rodolfo Schwaners; Mariza A. S. Bigonha and Beatriz G. Mintz, (in Portuguese). Proceedings of the VI Brazilian Symposium on Telecommunications, Campina Grande, Paraíba, pages 87-92, 1988.

      3. PEREZ-ALCAZAR, J. J. ; LAENDER, A. H. F.; BIGONHA, R. S.. A Abordagem Funcional para Banco de Dados e a Linguagem LBF (in Portuguese). In: XXI National Congress of Informatics of SUCESU, São Paulo, SP. Proceedings of the XXI National Congress of Informatics of SUCESU, pages 267-272, 1988.


      1. Mariza Bigonha and Roberto S. Bigonha . Winner of the 1st Place in the III National Informatics Award, Software Category for the article "SIC - A Tool for the Implementation of Languages" (in Portuguese), published in the Proceeduring of the XXI National Congress of Informatics of Sucesu, pages 426-431. Promotion: Department of Science and Technology, Roberto Marinho Foundation and MODATA. São Paulo, SP. 1988.

      Technical Report

      1. Roberto S. Bigonha . Janelas e Menus em Turbo Pascal 3.0 (in Portuguese). Published as Technical Report of DCC/ICEx/UFMG, 22 pages, 1988.


      National Conference

      1. BIGONHA, R. S. and MARTINS, R. T., Análise Sintática Incremental para Linguagens LR(1) (in Portuguese). In: XIV Integrated Seminar on Software and Hardware, SBC Congress, Salvador - Bahia, pages 188-199, July 11 to 19, 1987.

      Technical Reports

      1. Roberto Bigonha, Newton Lages, João Dantas, Rodolf Schwaners, Mariza Bigonha and Beatriz Mintz. CDM: Coletor de Dados MFC - Manual do Usuário (in Portuguese). Technical Report RT 016/87 of DCC/ICEx/UFMG, 38 pages, 1987.

      2. Roberto Bigonha, Newton Lages, João Dantas, Rodolf Schwaners, Mariza Bigonha and Beatriz Mintz, CDM: Coletor de Dados MFC - Manual de Sistema (in Portuguese). Technical Report of DCC/ICEx/UFMG, 1987.


      International Conference

      1. PEREZ-ALCAZAR, J. J. ; LAENDER, A. H. F. ; BIGONHA, R. S., Diseno de un Lenguaje para Bases de Datos Funcionales (in Spanish). Proceedings of the XII Latin American Conference on Informatics, Montevideo, Uruguai. pages 97-116, 1986.

      National Conference

      1. Mariza A. S. Bigonha and Roberto S. Bigonha, SIC - Um Sistema de Suporte a Implementação de Compiladores (in Portuguese). Proceedings of the XIII SEMISH, VI Congress of the Brazilian Computing Society. Olinda, Recife, pages 429-453. July 1986.

      2. PEREZ-ALCAZAR, J. J.; LAENDER, A. H. F.; BIGONHA, R. S.. LBF: Uma Linguagem para Bancos de Dados Funcionais (in Portuguese). In: Proceedings of the XIII SEMISH (SBC), pages 317-330, 1986.

      Technical Reports

      1. Mariza A. S. Bigonha, Roberto S. Bigonha. SIC: Sistema de Implementação de Compiladores - Manual do Usuário - Versão 1 (in Portuguese). DCC Monograph Series, No. T02/86, 56 pages, 1986.

      2. Mariza A.S. Bigonha. Pascal S - Manual do Usuário - (ABSTRACT) (in Portuguese). DCC Monograph Series, No. T01/86, 78 pages, published in April 14, 1986.

      3. Mariza A.S. Bigonha. Entrada e Saída Básica não Blocante (NFIOS) ABSTRACT (in Portuguese). Technical Report RT 002/86, 99 pages, published in April 23, 1986.

      4. Roberto S. Bigonha and Mariza A.S. Bigonha, NET Sistema Extrator de NETLIST (in Portuguese). DCC Monograph Series, No. T03/86, 1986.


      Master Thesis

      1. Mariza Andrade da Silva Bigonha, Roberto S. Bigonha (Advisor). SIC Sistema de Implementação de Compiladores - (ABSTRACT) (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science from the Institute of Exact Sciences at the University Federal of Minas Gerais - Department of Computer Science, in partial fulfillment for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 342 pages, . July 5, 1985.

      2. Lucília Camarão de Figueiredo, Roberto S. Bigonha (Advisor). Sistema de Geração de Código Otimizado para Processadores da Família Intel 8086/8088 (ABSTRACT) (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 147 pages, December 20, 1985.

    National Conference

    1. Mariza A. S. Bigonha and Roberto S. Bigonha, Uma Experiência na Implementação de um Recuperador de Erro LR(1) (in Portuguese). Proceedings of the V Symposium on Basic Software Development. Belo Horizonte, DCC/UFMG, pages 158-171, 1985.

    5st SDSB

    1. Roberto S. Bigonha (Coordinator of the 5th SDSB). Schedule of the 5th Symposium on Basic Software Development 5th SDSB, Brazilian Computer Society, Belo Horizonte MG, 4 pages, November 25 to 27, 1985.

    Technical Report

    1. Roberto S. Bigonha. A linguagem de Programação LIBRA. Technical Report of DCC/ICEx/UFMG, 1985.



    1. Roberto S. Bigonha, L. J. Braga-Filho and Carlos E. Rech (EDITORS). Abstract of Proceedings of XI Integrated Seminar on Software and Hardware (SEMISH) (in Portuguese). In: IV Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (CSBC), Viçosa, MG. 6 pages, July 21-27, 1984.

    Technical Report

    1. Roberto S. Bigonha. A Methodology for Structuring Denotational Semantics DCC Monograph Series, No. T01/84, 45 pages, published in 1984.


    Master Thesis

    1. Alberto Avritzer, Roberto S. Bigonha (Advisor). uUNIX Um Sistema Operacional com Suporte para Multiprocessamento e Tempo Compartilhado (ABSTRACT) (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Institute of Exact Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Computer Science, 528 pages, September 6, 1983.

    National Conference

    1. Roberto S. Bigonha and Mariza A. S. Bigonha, Um Método de Compactação de Tabelas LR(1) (in Portuguese). Proceedings of the III Symposium on Basic Software Development for Micros. COPPE-UFRJ, pages: 141-157, December 5-6, 1983.


    UCLA TR Ph.D. Dissertation

    1. Roberto da Silva Bigonha Denotational Semantics Implementation System - (ABSTRACT: 15 pages). Published as Technical Report No. CSD 820317, UCLA, California, USA, March 1982.

    National Conferences

    1. AVRITZER, Alberto; BIGONHA, R. S., MICROZUNIX: Um Sistema de Multiprocessamento e Tempo Real (in Portuguese). In: II Seminar on Basic Software Development for Micros, São Paulo, SP. pages 151-175, 1982.


    Ph.D. Dissertation

    1. Roberto da Silva Bigonha, Prof. David F. Martin (Advisor). Denotational Semantics Implementation System (ABSTRACT: 14 pages). A Dissertation submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science to the University of California Los Angeles USA in March, 428 pages, March, 1981.


    National Conference

    1. MATA, J. M.; BIGONHA, Roberto S., LIPA; Linguagem Intermediária para Tradução de Linguagens AlgorÍtmicas (in Portuguese). In: IV Integrated Seminar on Software and Hardware, Belo Horizonte, MG. Proceedings of V SEMISH, pages: 802-817, 1977.

    2. DINIZ, M. T. G. ; BIGONHA, Roberto S., FOPA: Linguagem de Formatos do PADE (in Portuguese). In: IV Integrated Seminar on Software and Hardware, Belo Horizonte, MG. Proceedings of V SEMISH, pages: 590-619, 1977.

    3. PADUA, Clarindo I. P. S. ; BIGONHA, R. S.. TRAPA: Tradutor da Linguagem AlgorÍtmica do PADE (in Portuguese). In: IV Integrated Seminar on Software and Hardware, Belo Horizonte, MG. Proceedings of V SEMISH, pages: 780-801, 1977.

    Technical Report

    1. BIGONHA, Roberto S., Basic Computer Organization. Technical Report of ESL 33C presented to Prof. Maureen Secord, UCLA, 15 pages June 6, 1977.


    National Conference

    1. PAULA FILHO, W. P. and BIGONHA, R. S.. SAPPA: Um Sistema para Construção de Software de Sistemas (in Portuguese). In: III Integrated Seminar on Software and Hardware, Porto Alegre, RS. Proceedings of III SEMISH, pages: 132-156, 1976.


    Master Thesis

    1. Roberto S. Bigonha, Luiz Ferrara de Almeida Cunha (PUC-Rio) (Advisor). Processador de Gramáticas SLR(K) (ABSTRACT) (in Portuguese). Thesis presented to the Department of Informatics at PUC/RJ as a partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Informatics: Computer Science, 247 pages, July, 1975.

    Technical Report

    1. Roberto S. Bigonha, LAPA Sintaxe e Semântica (in Portuguese). Technical Report of DCC/ICEx/UFMG, 17 pages, June, 1975.



    1. BIGONHA, R. S., and PADUA, Clarindo I. P. S., Técnicas para Manipulação Eficiente de Arquivos de Acesso Direto em PL/I (in Portuguese). CECOM Newsletter, Belo Horizonte, MG, V. 4, N.2, pages: 47-51, 1974.

    2. BIGONHA, R. S. and PADUA, Clarindo I. P. S., Economia de Memória na Declaração de Procedimentos em PL/I (in Portuguese). CECOM Newsletter, Belo Horizonte, MG, V. 4, N.4, pages: 195-199, 1974.

    3. BIGONHA, Roberto da Silva. Algoritmo Para Construção de Tabelas de Símbolos para Linguagens de Estrutura de Blocos (in Portuguese). CECOM Newsletter, V. 4, N.4, pages: 189-194, 1974.


    Last update: June, 6th, 2023.